Truly Alone

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~3rd person~

You are a failure.

With all your power you couldn't even save those closest to you.

You are a disgrace to your father.

No one loves you.

Percy held his head as he ducked to the side, barely dodging an obsidian knife to the head. 





Percy dropped to his knees, squeezing his eyes shut as the whispers continued to fill his every thought. He would have given anything to die right then and there if it meant the voices would stop.

A faint whistle was heard as yet another knife flew towards Percy's quivering body. Inches before finding its mark, a metallic feathered wing came to block it. If not for instinct and armor-like wings, Percy would have already been dead.

As more knifes were sent and deflected, Chaos stood by his pool of shadows, watching Percy through a one way mirror. 

Chaos bit his lip harder as Percy gave an ear-piercing scream. A flood of memories filled Chaos's head as he recalled his own time in that hellish place. His own quivering form, shrieks of utter despair... all while trying not to get killed. 

If only he could help his son. If only he could tell him that things would get better, easier even. And yet...

Percy rolled to the side just before the place he had previously been kneeling sparked to life with blue flames. Coal-black strands of hair fell to the floor, singed by the heat that radiated off of the intense fire.

Chaos could not lie to his son, to Percy. Things would only get more challenging as Percy's hours of living increased. It was only a matter of time until someone came for his head.

Percy jumped back as one of the many cubes that made up the room flew past him. It bore a glowing green rune similar to a steaming puddle, a sign not good for Percy.

The only question now was, would Percy be ready when that day came?

Obsidian-black wings curled around their master as Percy continued to scream and groan in chorus with the whispers in his head. Meanwhile, the room around him began to steam as a murky green liquid seeped in through the walls, quickly extinguishing the blue-flamed fire. All discarded knifes previously thrown at Percy bubbled and became steaming piles of liquid metal as the acidic fluid crept closer.

That's when things went wrong.

Chaos's thoughts came to a sudden halt as a new found unnerving silence filled the room. Slowly, he brought his star filled gaze back to the shadows welding Percy's image. What he saw made is stomach flip.

A no longer kneeling Percy stood facing away from Chaos's shadows, fists clenched and wings spread to their full width on either side of their owner. Time itself seemed to come to a stand still as wave after wave of raw dark power seeped off of Percy. The once oozing acidic liquid now came to an abrupt stop, the edges of which rippled away from the son of Chaos as though terrified by his new found strength.

Slowly, Percy's right fist unclenched, the skin around his knuckles seeming to sigh as blood rushed back through them. He then brought his hand before him, held in the universal stop sign.

"Enough!" Percy's voice rang with authority as he closed his hand, as though extinguishing whatever life it had held. All around him, a sudden burst of steam signaled the simultaneous combustion of every pool of murky liquid ever threatening his life.

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