Powerful Hospitality

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~3rd person~

The air was tense, as a cloaked man sat atop his throne, staring intently at the crumpled figure who currently lay at the foot of his throne. Not a sound had echoed through his palace since the moment said person was brought to him by his current head of command, Nathan.

The boy who currently lay sprawled on the obsidian floors of the palace was thin, as if deprived of a good meal, though the muscles that covered his body were clear. His skin was a ghostly pale, set in dead contrast to his messy raven-black hair. His eyes, although currently closed, were said to be as green as that of the sea god himself.

The man sitting before the boy shifted, his wings twitching with unease, as he recalled his father's words.

The day that boy realizes who he really is, is the day when the world erupts into chaos.

At the time, he hadn't known what to think of it. He understood the destructive power in which the boy possessed, yes, but as to why it was so dangerous was unknown to him. That was, at least, until his father shared with him the boy's true destiny.

The boy suddenly stirred, making the man hold his breath. He thought he had been prepared for this moment, but it was quite apparent now that he wasn't.

The air grew thicker as the boy's eyes fluttered open, revealing two brilliant sea-green eyes. He pushed himself onto his elbows, taking in his surroundings. His face showed utter confusion as he gazed upon the silver-gray walls before him, obviously not recalling the name of the metal.

Slowly the boy's eyes drifted to the two giant doors that stood before him. They were of the same substance as the walls, with a golden frame to line them. At the very top of the frame, where the arches formed a pointed, were words forever inscribed in a language unknown to himself.

The man atop his throne smiled for the first time since the boy arrived. "You must be quite confused as to where you are, aren't you?" The man's voice was commanding, ringing with wisdom and power as it echo through the halls, reaching the ears of the unsuspecting boy.

The boy jumped back in response, taking up a fighting stance as he glared at his company. He sneered, gazing into the swirling eyes of the man who had given the order for his kidnapping. "And what might you want?" He snorted, his eyes now slits upon his face.

The man atop the throne couldn't resist the laugh that rumbled deep within his throat. The sound was just as powerful as his voice, rolling out in a deep tone that echo all around the palace. "Do you not think it rude to talk to your host in such a manner?" He questioned, chuckles still humming in his chest.

The boy snorted, catching onto the irony of the situation. "This coming from the person who kidnapped me?"

The man ponder this for a moment, realizing the boy had a point. "Yes well, I suppose your right..." He trailed off, his gaze dragging across the room before landing back on the boy before him. "Then in that case, I suppose I should start anew by asking for your name." Although the man knew his name, he still felt it polite to at least ask as much.

The boy looked confused for a moment, before mumbling, "Percy. Percy Jackson."

There was a pause as both parties examined each other, taking in as many details as possible. Percy still showed confusion, as he finally decided he wanted answers himself. "If you didn't know who I was, then why did you kidnap me?" He asked, slowly edging out of his fight stance.

The man smiled, humored by the boy's question. It didn't take him long, did it?

Standing, the man came to stand mere yards away for Percy before answering, "Well, you see, that's where it gets a bit complicated I suppose. I know your name, yes, I know much about you. Only, the same can't be said for you, can it?"

Percy ignored the question, starting instead with his own. "Who are you, and where am I?"

The man chuckled yet again, gazing around the room as if looking for the answer himself. "You mean you haven't guessed yet?"

The man sighed as no respond came, and instead answered his question.

"I am Chaos, creator of the universe, and son of void its self. As to where you are, why, your in none other than the palace of void."

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now