Corrupted Roses

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I groaned as my head seemingly split in half. It was the first time I had had a good night sleep in ages, and for that I was truly thankful, but the after effects of last night were horrible.

Last night.

My eyebrows furrowed as I vaguely recalled the events of that night. Everything between the time I collapse training, and the time I woke to Chaos standing over me seemed to blur together. It was almost like I was trying to recall something that didn't actually happen to me. And was therefore labeled as unimportant by my brain in regards to myself.

But it was important, wasn't it? Chaos had seemed pretty upset the whole way to my room, so it couldn't have been something to brush off. After all, anything that could upset a man who had conquered that training room had to be pretty bad.

Deciding to ask Chaos later, I began to sit up... only to discover my whole body ached just as much, if not more, than my head. This is going to be a long day.

With much protest from my body, I stood up, walking to my dresser to pick my clothes. Considering my dresser held nothing but my usual grey T- shirt and black jeans it wasn't much of a challenge.

After throwing on my clothes and some black converse, I began the trip into the throne room, trusting my feet to lead the way over my head. The slow pace allowed me time to stretch my wings and other limbs in an attempt to take some of the ache away from them. There was little success by the time I reached the throne room.

Chaos sat on his throne, seemingly bored as he stared off into space. He wore his usual black clothing, his wings hanging limply off the sides of his throne.

"Morning Chaos." I greeted him, in a slightly better mood than I think I've even been since I arrived. Why? I have no clue. But I suppose a little change a pace couldn't hurt.

Chaos jumped in his seat, his head whipping around to face me as his thoughts were suddenly interrupted. "Wha?! Oh, Good Morning Percy!" He quickly greeted, looking me up and down as to access my non-existent wounds. "Sleep well?"

"Actually yes." I replied, still stretching my arm. I flinched slightly at the resulting pop. Were arms supposed to pop like that?

Chaos took note of this, quickly smirking in humor. "Sore I see. I would help you, however your going to have to get used to sore mornings." His eyes gleamed with smugness as he continued. "That's all your going to be having for a while yet."

I rolled my eyes, brushing off his attempt to worry. "Alright, well, what's on the agenda today? Monster hunting? Alien invasions? Oh! How about torture?" I asked, sarcasm lacing my voice.

Chaos smirked. "Close, but no. Today we'll be choosing the rest of your team." He answered, a bit of excitement entering his voice.

"My what?" I inquired, confusion clear on my face. A team? What did I need that for?

Chaos gave me an almost disappointed look at my confusion. "What, did you think you'd be doing everything on your own?" He smiled, a evil look in his eye. "Nope! You can't be a badass solo assassin. You get annoying teammates who have no regard for your personal space! Yay!"

I gave him my best WTF look. "Seriously? I thought this job only implied me being a spoilt son of the creator of the universe! Oh wait - scratch that - I didn't sign up for this crap!" I protested, losing some of my generally good mood. I didn't need teammates. I didn't need someone else getting hurt because of me.

Chaos seemed to read my mind as he sighed. "Alright, what if I told you that you'd be able to right some of your regrets?" He inquired, baiting me.

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