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[felix pov]

"felix..." a soft voice spoke,

"hey, felix. wake up..."


a felt a hand gently tap my shoulder as my eyes began to flutter open.

i mumbled a few noises of tiredness as i tilted my head towards the culprit of my awakening - hwang hyunjin.

we locked eyes for a few seconds, before the nurse harshly moved his gaze away.

i moved my hands to my side and slowly pushed myself up my bed so that i was now leaning against the headboard of the bed.

and then, i remembered what had happened last night.

me and hyunjin, we kissed.

we really kissed.

i glared at the wall in front of me for a few seconds, hyunjin with a concerned look on his face.

"...are you, feeling nauseous again?" he spoke up.

i frowned, "...yeah, i'm starving too..." i responded, placing my palm on my forehead in order to check how hot i was.

"ah, i see... i'll go get you something to eat then... if you feel like your about to be sick just ring the buzzer and i'll come running back." a soft smiled appeared on his face, as he made his way to the door.

i looked at the vintage analogue clock on the wall, 2:30pm.

i wasn't awake to eat lunch, i guess that's why i feel so hungry.

had i really slept until 2 in the afternoon?

that was weird.

[hyunjin pov]

i hadn't addressed what happened last night.
nor did i want to, if i was being completely honest.

as much as i'm glad i was finally able to accept my feelings for him, i didn't want to involve myself in that sort of thing.

i was disappointed in myself.

i'm just a nurse, and felix is my patient. we can't be having a relationship like this.

i slowly walked down the corridor and made my way towards the café, a pretty woman with long black hair stood behind the counter.

"good morning yeji- oh wait... it's the afternoon..." i spoke.

"nurse hwang, what brings you here so late? felix should be having lunch at 12:30pm maximum. i might just have to report you for mistreating your patient!" yeji said with a jokey tone.

i chuckled at the raven-head's statement, now stood in front of her, "felix only woke up a few minutes ago, i don't know what that's about."

"well, i mean, it was new years eve, i'm guessing you guys stayed up to watch the fireworks??" yeji shrugged.

"mhm, but it worries me, what if he's gotten even more unwell?" i frowned.

yeji picked up her notebook from the side, "look, i think you're just overreacting. he was probably just tired and slept in for longer, it happens to me a lot." she giggled, "anyways, just the usual for felix today or does he fancy something different to eat?"

i wasn't exactly listening to what yeji was saying. instead, the scene of me and felix kissing was replaying in my head constantly.

a wave of guilt hit me as it continued to roam my mind.

"...nurse hwang?" yeji clicked her fingers in front of my face, "helloooo??"

i snapped out of my trance, "oh- yeah- uh... just the usual please..." i responded

"mkay... it'll be here in 10." yeji smiled at me as she skipped towards the kitchen.

[felix pov]

while hyunjin was gone, dr. han was conducting his daily checkup.

"alright... thankfully your health hasn't gotten worse since the last time i did your check up. nothing more to worry about at this time..." the squirrel gave me a warm smile, "anyways, did you enjoy your little new years party with nurse hwang?" he asked.

i felt a small blush appear on my freckled cheeks, "it was... really fun. i enjoyed spending time with him so much."

dr. han chuckled, "ooo, does someone have a crush?~" he chuckled, "just kidding, you guys are just such close friends, i admire you!"

i let out an awkward chuckle.

yeah, close friends, that's all we are.

nothing more.


our conversation was then interrupted by the hospital room door swinging open, the ferret nurse making his way inside, with a tray of hot food in his hands.

he placed the tray on my lap and sat down next to dr. han.

"well, i think that's my sign to leave now. enjoy your food felix! see you later nurse hwang!" dr. han smiled and waved at us as he stood up.

he waddled out of the room leaving me and hyunjin alone again.

he just sat there, staring at me, causing me to release a nervous gulp.

"...i'm going to eat it hyunjin... i swear, i'm just not very hungry-" "then eat it, now. or i'll force it down your throat again." he interrupted me as i blinked anxiously.

i smirked, "guess you're just gonna have to force it down my throat then..."

hyunjin squinted, "oh come on, don't be like that. just eat it..." he responded.

i pouted, embarrassed that hyunjin had failed to recognise my flirty attempt.

i was kinda disappointed that he wasn't reacting to it, after what happened yesterday.

"i get that you're not hungry... but you need to eat so that you have energy. this is probably why you're so tired all the time, because you never eat." the blueberry head frowned.

i didn't want to admit it, but he was right. i had to eat to survive, i couldn't just avoid it.

i picked up the toast and placed it between my jaws, i hesitated for a moment but then began chewing.

it didn't taste of anything, which was odd, as toast was my favourite food in the whole wide world.

i forced myself to endure the bland flavour as chunks of the chewed toast slid down my throat.

hyunjin gazed at me, smiling. he looked proud that i was finally eating.

but then i stopped.

i dropped the piece of toast as i felt something shoot up my throat.

when the ferret had realised what was happening, he quickly shot into action,
grabbing a bucket from behind him and holding it in front of me.

sick flew out of my mouth and into the bucket, i gagged as i tried to get it all out.

hyunjin placed one hand behind my head as the other held the bucket. he held my hair back as i continued to violently puke.

once i had finished, hyunjin went to go grab me a towel, cleaning up my face.

i was now drenched in sweat from the sickening heat that was now surrounding my entire body.

the nurse then slowly placed me so that i was now lying in my bed.

"there there, take it easy my love-" he froze in realisation of what he said.

my eyes widened.

"-ly patient." he added, saving himself from fucking up.

i tried to hold back the smiled that was now growing on my face.

i didn't say anything in return, as my eyes began to shut.

as i drifted back to sleep.

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