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[felix pov]

my eyes weren't open, and i couldn't move. i couldn't even think either.

but, i could hear everything that was happening.

i felt multiple pairs of hands wrap around my arms, as well as multiple different apparatus attached to my body.

one pair of hands i recognised just by touch, because they were long and slender, as well as the perfect temperature, hyunjin's.

however, i didn't know what was happening.

"FELIX WAKE UP! STOP FVCKING AROUND!" hyunjin screamed as he shook my body violently.

suddenly his hands were ripped away from my arm, i heard him release a grunt of struggle as if he were trying to free himself from someone's grip.


"PLEASE JUST STOP IT! YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THIS MORE DIFFICULT!" i heard a voice reply, a voice i recognised. it was dr. han's.

it sounded like he was crying.

i was scared, and i wanted to say it. but my mouth just wouldn't move.

"YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU?!?! HE'S ALL I HAVE-" "HYUNJIN!" dr. han screamed over hyunjin, silencing the elder.

all i could hear were the sound of soft sobs coming from both the men.

then, the pairs of hands holding me slowly released their grip.

there was a moment of silence, but then, a voice spoke up.

it was a voice that i didn't know, but it was a sympathetic voice, a voice that was in pain.

"time of death, 1:43pm, 6th january 2023."


am i... dead?

but i can hear everything?

this can't be, this can't be happening.

suddenly, there was a thud on the floor.

"hyunjin...." dr. han cried, "i'm so sorry..."

"" the nurse spoke up, "NO NO NO NO NO! NO!"

"please hyun-" "NO! NO! NO! NO! FVCK NO! NO!" he screamed and cried.

he said nothing else, but instead sobbed like a maniac.

"'ll get better i promise, you'll get over him..." dr. han said with a teary voice.

"felix... we'll miss you... we really will..." was the last thing i heard dr. han say before i felt a thin sheet cover my body and face.

and then i woke up.

"AHHHHH!" i shouted, i was now fully sat up in bed, a concerned hyunjin looking at me with wide eyes.

he scurried over, holding my hand tightly, "felix! you're awake! you've been asleep all day, it's 5pm on the 7th! are you alright?"

i gulped, "yeah.. just... had a bad dream, that's all..." i paused, "but- what? i didn't wake up till 5pm? you must be joking?!?"

the blueberry head frowned, "yeah... i think you're just getting more tired by the day," he rolled his eyes, "but it's okay... this is probably just a one time thing, we all have our lazy days."

he spoke up again, "anyway, what did you dream about that was so bad? i'm interested."

i froze, "...i- i'll tell you later, i just... don't wanna talk about it right now."

hyunjin smiled, "i see... well, it's best we start this short day then-" he was interrupted when the door burst open. the two of us jumped as a reaction.

"felix! hello!" dr. han speedily waddled into the room, "how are you feeling this morning- or should i say evening?"

he put a bunch of hospital apparatus on the end of my bed, the same apparatus used for my daily check-ups.

i yawned, "yeah, i don't know why i slept in so late. sorry if i messed up your schedule or anything."

"oh no, not at all! i don't mind doing your check-up in the evening!" he smiled.

10 minutes later, the daily check-up had concluded.

i looked at dr. han, awaiting my results.

but then, the smile on his face dropped, "...this can't be right..." he muttered.

hyunjin raised his eyebrow in confusion, looking at the quokka.

"felix... your health has dropped drastically, like, to a very concerning amount..." the doctor gulped.

the nurse beside me squinted, "what? are you sure that's right? you must've made a mistake!"

dr. han frowned, "as much as i wish it was, i don't DO mistakes nurse hwang. everything done in today's check-up was conducted properly and accurately i'm afraid."

my eyes widened, "b-but that's not possible! i feel fine! well, not exactly fine, but i feel the same way i've felt for the past few days! i don't
get it!"

"it's because it's on the inside," he stopped.
he sat down next to my bed, "i'm going go be completely honest with you two..."

me and hyunjin both looked at each other, and then back at the doctor in worry.

"'re going to need to go on strong medication for these next few weeks, i'll sort everything out for you. it's hard to say this, but it's looking bad for you..." dr. han continued.

"...your heart is failing felix." he added.

none of us said anything, but instead sat in an uncomfortable silence, just trying to process
the situation.

hyunjin moved his hand towards mine and squeezed it tightly, "...we're here for you felix... all the way..."

he looked at me with sorrow as i cleared my throat.

"dr. han...?" i spoke up.

"...yes, felix?"

"please be honest with what i'm about to say,"

"of course."

i hesitated, but then continued.

"how long do i have left..?"

hyunjin's head snapped towards me the minute i asked that question, "f-felix... don't think like that!-" "do not take my complete word, but if were to predict based on your results..." dr. han cut off the elder.

"...i would say, a month at most." he continued.

i froze, and so did hyunjin.

he looked absolutely frightened, maybe even more than i was.

"...oh. i see." i replied.

suddenly, there was a buzzer coming from the room next to mine.

"i-... i'm sorry felix, i've got to go. i feel so cruel leaving after giving you such negative news..." the four-eyed squirrel spoke with sympathy.

"no, it's alright. you have other patients." i responded.

"well then, i'll see you round..." he slowly waddled out the room, in a more upset manner.

me and hyunjin were now alone again.

the room was silent, most likely because of the grief we were both feeling.



"i'm scared."

"don't be, i'm right here for you, and i always will be."


"...please what?"

"be my boyfriend, please."

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