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it was hard to complete all the stages of grief, as accepting something so tragic was almost impossible.

i was afraid.
i would love you forever even though we'd never be in the same room again.

but now i'm finally in a place where i know that missing you isn't a sign that i desperately need you back.

it's a sign that we had a great thing.

that's all.


[felix pov]

i walked through the outside of the church, past all the gravestones, till i found the correct one.

"evening, my love!" i smiled as i sat down next to hyunjin's grave.

on it, it read;

2000 - 2024
known for his kindness, and loved by all for the sacrifices that he made for others.
rest easy.

"i got you some roses, since i know they're your favourite flowers." i stated as i placed the flowers down on his grave, which had many bouquets of both roses and other flowers there. most of them placed by me.

"this week went well for me, i was able to get a job in being a teaching assistant, i'm training to be a teacher!" i laughed, "yeji's been struggling as she's been thinking about you lately, i caught her crying outside of her workplace the other day. rumour has it, she actually had a crush on you back when you were a nurse. but i mean, who wouldn't?"

i cleared my throat, "in a few years, i might even be able to buy my own place! but... this couldn't have been possible without you."

i sighed, moving closer to the gravestone.

"today marks one year since you gave your life away for me, and i think, because of all the grief, i wasn't able to show my appreciation...." i paused, "so, i'd just like to say, thank you."

i frowned, "and as much as i wish i could've said it whilst you were still here, i know you're listening from the sky, and i know you're watching me... so..." i paused, "...i love you, hyunjin. i really do. more than anything."

i smiled, "do you still love me also?"

all of a sudden, there was a strong gust of wind, as if nature was responding to my question.

"woah... how did that?-" i chuckled, "i'll just take that as a yes."

"HEYY FELIX!" a voice called.

i looked forward to see chris walking up to me, waving.

"oh, hey chris!" i responded.

he had a bouquet of tulips in his hands. he walked closer and placed them on hyunjin's grave.

"he's really getting spoilt today isn't he?" he paused, "hyunjin, you're the only dead guy we'd spend this much money on you know?" he laughed.
"anyways, felix. it's time to go home. yeji left her house without keys and she can't get back inside, what a silly woman." he added.


i nodded, standing up.

as i began walking, i turned my head back to the grave to get one more look before leaving.

out of nowhere, i felt some of pressure on my hand, as if someone were holding it, but nothing was touching my hand, nothing was even around me.

i felt a soft smile grow on my face as i continued following chris.

our story didn't end well, but it's still the best one i know.

i will look for you in every lifetime, until we can finally stay.

"...see you soon, hyunjin."


your blueberry boy ・❥・ hyunlixHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin