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august 28th, 1991

„Pandora" my mum called me from the kitchen „yes mama?" i asked her sitting down on one of the stools.

In all honesty i was hoping to receive the Hogwarts letter soon, i turned 11 last December meaning i could finally attend in September. Draco told me he had gotten his a few days ago, i was jealous because this has been my dream. My mum, Marlene, she told me all about her time at Hogwarts and it sounds amazing. My dad, Sirius Black, whom i don't know, was in Gryffindor house and my mum was in Ravenclaw. Him being a Pureblood wizard and mom being a Half-Blood witch makes me also a Half-Blood. Draco's family is really big on blood status while mom never really cared, since her father was a muggle born although Draco never really seemed to care about my blood status, we are cousins either way.

„This is for you sweetie" she spoke as she handed me the letter i have been waiting for all summer. The smile on my face grew wide as i read the letter

„Dear Miss Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

This was it. „Let's go" i heard my mother say as she was motioning for me to hold onto her hand, i raised my eyebrow, confused on where we were about to go. „Diagon Alley" she spoke before we were standing in an Alleyway „How?" „I apparated us" she says smiling „We're going school shopping" i nod.
„Black" i heard a familiar voice say as we entered Ollivanders, „Malfoy" i say before greeting the boy with a hug „I see, you got yourself a letter too?" i smile „Yes seems so" i answer „Well i shall see you on the train then?" „Of course" he smiles before leaving me to go back to my mother.

„Ah nice to meet you little black" ollivanders spoke „nice to meet you too" i say „Oh Marlene it's been too long!" he says before hugging my mum, she smiles „Hello Garrick, seems like we need a wand for my daughter hm?" „Right!" he answers, i look around to see all the walls filled with boxes with wands in them. „Try this one dear" he says handing me the wand, i do as he says and it seems to be the perfect match. „Thank you!" i say before we leave the shop.

We continued our shopping and were ready to go. „I'm so sorry" a boy, seems to be my age says after bumping into me and making my stuff fall out of my hands. „Oh no worries" i say smiling, after all he didn't mean to and he seems nice. „Here you go" he says picking up my wand „Thanks" he smiles „I'm Theodore" i shake his hand „Pandora" „Nice to meet you Pandora, i'll see you around" he says before walking away.

I turn around to see my mum smirking at me „He was cute" she started „Mum stop!" she laughs at my embarrassment and apparates us back home to black manor.

born to die. / theo nott x fem OC Where stories live. Discover now