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"UNCLE REGGIE!" i screamed as i saw my uncle appear, this has been the first time i'd seen him since easter. "Marley my sweet girl" he spoke as he pulled me into the hug i've longed too long for. "I missed you Uncle Reg" i told him "I know me too" he says as we walk back to where i was sitting before.

Theodore looked at me confused, i didn't understand why. "Reg" Draco smiled at his cousin, unlike to me, Regulus Black was Draco's cousin and not uncle, although Draco always treated him like a more fatherly respected figure than his cousin. He pulled the boy into a hug aswell and let go, to greet the others too.

"And who might you be?" he asked the boy who was laid in my lap once again, he immediately stood up "Theodore Nott Sir" i watched him act so polite it was quite funny so me and draco chuckled at the sight of our bestfriend. Uncle Regulus looked at me and winked as he looked back to Theo.

"Hey Marley" he came up to me as everyone started to part into conversations "Reggie" i smiled at him "You look happy" he tells me "but something is going on in that mind of urs, isnt there sweetheart?" he asked as we sat down a few feet away from the others. "It's Father" i admit to him, he looks at me with pity on his face "He loves you" he says looking down "He left me too you know" i raise an eyebrow "He did?" i ask confused. "Before my sixth year of Hogwarts your father argued with our parents, your grandparents and he ran away, probably to james' house or remus. That isn't the point, he didn't say goodbye to me, he saw me in school for a few months before he graduated and didn't talk to me, didn't even look in my direction. I was so hurt." i saw a tear slip from his eye, i gave him a side hug "I'm so sorry Uncle Reg" he looks at me and kisses my forehead "You're too pure for this world marls. I love you" he tells me, i grin widely "I love you too" i tell him and he returns a smile.

"He hasn't reached out, i thought i finally got him back and he hasn't even come to see mum" i spoke "I'm sorry dear, i know he's thinking of you though and he loved your mother so deeply im sure he still does, theres a good reason for his silence" Regulus reassured me "You're right" i admit "Aren't i always?" he says in a cocky tone "Shove off!" i hit him playfully as we both fall into laughter.


I leaned onto the doorframe as i watched her laugh so widely with the person she adored the most. She'd never admit it but she loved her uncle more than her own mother. She looked so pretty in the dim lights, they hadn't noticed me watching. I realized i was staring when Draco leaned himself onto the other side of the doorframe. "You're staring mate" he said "Shut up" i tell him, not taking my eyes off of her.

"You're so whipped" he told me chuckling, i punched his arm slightly "Man i know" i replied. Ever since i bumped into her in diagon alley, i couldn't stop thinking about her. As we got up at the same time i noticed her beautiful eyes and the sweetness in her voice blew me away. Her being sorted into the same house as me gave me the chance to befriend her the same night and ever since we were inseparable.

To her i'm just a friend, to me she's so much more.

"I think she feels the same" Draco said, i had completely forgotten that he was standing there "Are you really that daft? no she doesn't" i told him "She's too oblivious too it, she's the only daft one here not me you arse!" he said rolling his eyes "No way" i shook my head. "We'll see" he said as he tapped my shoulder and walked back into the room he came from.

I hadn't noticed that she was coming my way "Teddy what are you doing here?" she asked me, Teddy, if only she knew how i much i love that nickname. "Well dory, i was just thinking" i smile at her "Let me think with you!" she said excited leaning on the door frame opposite of me, we're facing eachother now. I chuckle at her excitement "Okay." i say "I'm just really happy to be here" i admit, it wasn't a lie but not the full truth either, that wasn't what i was thinking about. "I'm happy you're here Teddy" she pulled me into a hug, her soft touch embracing my waist and her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and hugging her back.

"Mistletoe!" Draco interrupted our thought, we let go and immediately looked at the ceiling to be actually faced with a mistletoe. "You know what this means" Draco smirked at us, i looked at her and she didnt seem nervous at all, but me i was sweating, i was hoping she couldn't tell. I watched her tip toe infront of me as she placed as a kiss on my cheek "Merry Christmas Teddy" she added before walking into the living room.

My cheeks went crimson red, i hadn't expected her to do that while i'm not complaining it did surprise me. I held onto my cheek trying to process what just happened "You're as red as a tomato Theodore" Draco said before laughing and walking away.


a/n : next chapter will be a time skip, this is short im sorry i know 😭😭 also please comment and tell me how you like the story so far <3

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