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„Let the Feast begin!" Dumbledore said after his speech, you could guess twice, he talked about Sirius Black in his speech. My Father. They put dementors all around Hogwarts, Harry has also apparently been attacked by one. Then we got a new DADA Professor his name is Remus Lupin.

„Could you pass me the treacle tart Enzo?" i asked „Course, here you go" he said putting it on my plate „You're the best, Thankyou." he smiles and goes back to eating his food.

I can't help but let my mind wander to my dad, i don't know if i can call him that. He wasn't a bad person and i know he wasn't the one behind the crime that he apparently did but he wasn't here, he didn't raise me, maybe it's selfish of me to think this way.

„What's going in that head of yours?" Theo asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts „Oh nothing" i say shaking it off „Are you sure?" i nod, he doesn't seem to believe me which is understandable because i'm a terrible liar but you know it's fine. „I think i'm just going to go to bed" i tell him before leaving the table and going to bed.

It was Hogsmeade weekend, i'm so glad that Mum signed my papers so i'll be able to go. „You
ready?" Pansy asks me, i nod. We were met with the faces of our friends in the Slytherin Common Room, i felt someones arm around my shoulder, it was theo. „Teddy" he smiles at the nickname „Walk with
me?" he says offering me his hand „Of course" i say before intertwining our fingers. We do this alot, hold hands but i do this with Enzo and Draco aswell, it was normal for us.

„Now remember these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege, should your behavior reffect poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall never be extended again" Professor McGonagall spoke, just then Harry walked up to her „No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule Potter" she started walking away „But professor i thought if you signed it, i could go" he tells her „I can't only a parent or a guardian can and since i'm neither it would be inappropriate" she watches his hope fall „I'm sorry Potter that's my final word" „Forget about it guys, see you later" he says to Hermione and Ron before turning around with a frown on his face.

„Poor Harry" i say „He deserves it" Draco spoke, he's been pissed at Harry ever since first year for not taking upon his offer on being friends „Shut your gob Malfoy" Pansy tells him „The boy doesn't have parents, you're so insensitive" Enzo told him, i felt a proud smile forming on my face, „Yeah draco that's not cool" Theo added „Fine Damn it, you all go and hang out with him then" he says before storming off „This boy" i shake my head „We'll find him later" Theodore reassures me before walking in to the leaky cauldron „Butterbeer?" we all nod in answer to Lorenzo's question, we find ourselves a table by the window and sit down.

„Here you go" he says before sitting down next to Theodore, „You're wearing it" Enzo said as i took off my jacket who also revealed the bracelet i was wearing „Of course i am" i said flashing him a smile, i saw Theo look at my necklace and smile at that too, i thought he'd speak up like Lorenzo but he decided against it.

„Look who decided to come back" Pansy said looking at the door, who showed a blonde boy walking in „Oh Piss off will you" he says before grabbing a chair and sitting down at our table „What's gotten your wand in a knot?" Enzo asks him confused „Riddle" he spat „What did he do now?" i ask, you might remember my argument with Mattheo in first year and we haven't gotten along with him since, i don't know why but he's just a pain in the arse. He doesn't get along with anyone and astoria, daphne's sister always follows him around like a lost puppy.

„Just the usual" he replied, not wanting to talk about it. „Well we should get going then" i said before we all got up and took our ways back to the castle. On our way back i stopped at the bookstore before buying myself „pride and prejudice", they all looked at me weirdly and i rolled my eyes at them, they should give these books a chance.

„Exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked Hagrid, we were now in Care for Magical Creatures, he had handed out these books who didn't seem to open that easily „Rub the spine of course" he replied to draco with his thick accent. „I think they're funny" Hermione stated „Oh yeah terribly funny, really witty, God this place has gone to the dogs wait ‚till my father hears that Dumbledore got this oaf teaching classes." Theodore smacked his head, making me chuckle i earn a light smile from himself aswell „Ouch Nott what was that for?" draco said dramatically „You're being childish" he stated „Yeah Malfoy you're friend's right" Harry says making Draco scoff. „Shutup Potter, only i can insult my friend here" Theodore said jokingly, Harry chuckled and turned to where Hagrid was standing.

„Tada isn't he beautiful? say hello to Buckbeak" he spoke „Hagrid exactly what is that?" i asked the rather tall man „That Pandora is a Hippogriff, the first thing you wanna know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended you do not want to insult a Hippogriff it may be the last thing you ever do" he tells me, my eyes widen a little, he can't be that dangerous right? „Now who'd like to come and say hello?" he asked, we all stepped back leaving only Harry.

Harry did it perfectly, well i am not surprised he was now riding with Buckbeak as we all watched from afar, Draco seemed rather jealous while Lorenzo was giddy like a little child. As he returned everyone cheered for him but draco made his way through the crowd immediately „Yeah not dangerous at all are you?" he says walking up to the Hippogriff, Buckbeak didn't seem to take that well and scratched Malfoy on his arm, making him fall on the ground. It was a funny sight, Lorenzo, Theodore and i couldn't contain our laughter. „It's killed meh! It's killed meh!" is all he could say, we all kept laughing and hermione insisted on the fact that Hagrid brings Draco to Madam Pomfrey so class was dismissed.

Draco took this as an opportunity and took his acting  skills on another level, even Astoria left Mattheo's side to check up on Draco it was rather embarrassing for him, since it was a scratch and nothing more, especially since it was because of his own stupid behaviour.

born to die. / theo nott x fem OC Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora