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september 1st 1991

„Be careful panda, owl me anytime okay?" mom says „Of course mama" i say kissing her cheek „I've got to go" i tell her „I know, i'll miss you little girl" i could see tears forming in her eyes „Don't go all soft on me now" i make her laugh „I'll miss you too" she hugs me tightly before letting me go. „Pandora!" i heard my cousin from far away „Draco" i say walking to him „Cissy" i spoke giving his mother a hug, „Pandora dear" she smiles „Mister Malfoy" i give him a nod, i was scared of Lucius Malfoy, even though he was my uncle, he was very intimidating and Narcissa was the complete opposite of him. „Okay go you
two!" she spoke and we did as she said.

The two of us ended up finding an empty compartment just for ourselves. „What did you name it?" he asked pointing to my owl. „Athena" i tell him „I like it" he says „What did you name yours?" i asked curiously just to be met by his smily face „Niffler" i immediately started laughing at my cousins words „you named him niffler?" i say in between my laughter „oh shut up" he says rolling his eyes. „Hey sorry would you both mind if i sit here?" a boy who also seems to be a first year asks us „Actually-„ i cut Draco off „No of course not, take a seat" i glare at Draco's behavior, he can't just say no, especially when there's plenty of space. I didn't expect anything else from him though, he was always a little selfish.

„I'm Lorenzo" he introduces himself „You probably already know who i am" Draco spoke „Draco stop being arrogant, i excuse his behavior, my name is Pandora" lorenzo seems to be amused „For your info i did in Fact not know who you are but now i do, Draco Malfoy it is then?" i chuckle „Yeah" Draco muttered under his breath. I look at Lorenzo who seems to be enjoying his annoyed face as much as i am.

„How was your summer Lorenzo?" i ask trying to make conversation „Quite boring, i read Romeo and Juliet for the first time" he tells me „Did you like
it?" „I don't know, it was a little tragic" he answers me „I agree". „I think it's quite romantic" Draco butts in „You don't even read that type of books Draco" i say making him scoff, he went back to looking out the window. „So you read?" the boy asks me „I do, i love it" i tell him „Well then that's an interest we share, pandora" „I guess so" we smile at eachother.

While me and Lorenzo kept talking i watched draco fall asleep on the ride. „Wake up" i shake him awake, knowing we'd arrive at Hogwarts anytime soon now. We all changed into our robes. „Are you nervous?" i ask the two boys sitting infront of me „Yes" „No", you can guess twice who said what. Draco said no, „They all know my name already, they'll love me" he said in a cocky tone „Sure Malfoy" i love him but he's really annoying sometimes. Lorenzo said Yes, „I'm nervous to see which house i'm in, my dad believes in blood status which means he wants me in Slytherin" i gave him an apologetic smile „I'm sure it will work out for you Lorenzo" making him return my gesture.

„All First Years this way!" a really tall man said he could be a giant, really. „His name is Rubius Hagrid" my cousin spoke next to me „Oh he's really tall" he chuckles „He sure is". All three of us hopped into a boat together, the sky was dark since it was already late but it was pretty, i catch lorenzo admiring the sky aswell , i smile to myself, he's like me.

„Is that Harry Potter?" Lorenzo asks me but i was cut off by my Draco's words „It's true then, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" making all of the first years whisper in shock „I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he says walking up to the boy with the round glasses, making his friend with red hair chuckle „Think my name is funny do you?" typical draco.. „No need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley" he spat, that was a little to harsh i'd say. „You'll soon find out that some Wizarding Families are better than other, Potter. You don't wanna go make friends with the wrong sort" he says looking at the red haired boy, „I can help you there" he finishes, i saw harry glaring at him „I think i can tell the wrong sort of myself thanks" he told draco who wasn't pleased with harry's reaction, since he expected the opposite.

I might regret doing this but „Don't listen to Draco, he's actually very kind, i'm Pandora and this is my friend Lorenzo" i offer him my hand and even though he takes his time, he surprisingly takes up on my offer „I'm Harry" he smiles „I know" i return the gesture, i glare at draco for a second who scoffs at me, he'll be fine in 5 minutes i thought to myself. „I apologize to you too, u are?" i say looking at the red head „Ron Weasley" he looks irritated „Nice to meet you Ron" i smile at him before taking Lorenzo by the arm and go back to where we were standing.

„The sorting will begin in a few seconds, follow me first years" the woman said as the large doors opened to reveal what i read to be the Great hall. It was beautiful, and huge. „Quicker come on" she said making me snap out of my admiration for this place, i felt Lorenzo tug my robe to pull me with him. „Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words" she spoke, i noticed how much bigger her hat was compared to her head.. „I have a few start of term notices i'd wish to announce, the first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students also our caretaker mr. filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of boundaries to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death, thankyou" i saw draco smirk at me knowing he was up to no good i rolled my eyes at him and gave him a playful smile.

„When i your name you will come forth i shall place the sorting hat on your head and you'll be sorted into your houses" the woman who's name was professor mcgonagall spoke.

„Draco Malfoy" he looked at me smiling smugly, he wasn't scared at all, atleast it didn't seem like it. Before she could even properly place the hat on his head it yelled „SLYTHERIN" he smiled an walked to the slytherin table all proud of himself. „Harry Potter" now he looked really nervous, the hat took it's time with him, i heard him mutter under his breath ‚anything but slytherin' which the sorting hat then blurred out for everyone to hear, it came to the conclusion and yelled „GRYFFINDOR" he smiled at me before walking to his table. „Theodore Nott" i recognized his face and his name, he was the boy i bumped into in Diagon alley, he notices me and winks at me, of course, he got sorted into Slytherin aswell, so did Lorenzo.

„Nice of you to join us aswell Mattheo" Professor McGonagall spoke i turned my head to be met with a boy who had a scar on the right side of his face it went through his eye. „Of course" he flashes her a fake smile, „Very well, Mattheo Riddle let's get you sorted" she tells him, he also got sorted into slytherin of course. „Pandora Black" she calls me, i immediately stiffen at the sound of my name i felt people staring at me, „Hmm very smart and loyal" the hat spoke „also very ambitious" i was confused why it took so long „shall i make you gryffindor like your father or?" i could feel the hat smirking, thats weird right? and then „SLYTHERIN" i was relieved knowing i had atleast two friends in that house. But what would mom say?


a/n : they will find out about why mattheo's last name in year 2 and people know about sirius being in askaban that's why they stared yk??

born to die. / theo nott x fem OC Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin