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„I MISSED YOU LOVE" Mattheo spoke as he sat down beside me „I missed you too" i tell him as i place a kiss on his cheek.


We're still on for that date Black!" he yelled as i walked away „Are you really gonna go?" my cousin asked me „I promised Draco" i said not wanting to talk about Mattheo anymore.

„Hey Dory" Theo said sitting down next to me in potions „Hey Teddy" i smiled at him before a note fell on my desk „What does it say?" Theo asked curiously, i shrugged my shoulders before opening the note.

Astronomy Tower tonight 7pm.
- M.R

I looked behind me to find him smirking, i roll my eyes at him before turning back around „It's about that stupid date" i told Theo „Oh" he replied before going silent for the whole class.

„Are you going?" he asked as we walked out of class together „I think i have to" i shrug slightly „Right yeah, i'll see you later yeah?" he says before walking off „Yeah" i mutter.

„You coming tonight Black?" Mattheo spoke up as he appeared beside me on my way to herbology „No" i told him „Oh cmon it'll be fun i promise" he said smirking „Do i have a choice?" i asked him as he shaked his head no „Well then why are you asking?" i sneer before walking faster.

„Wear this!" Pansy said handing me a green knee length dress „Ugh Pansy no" i whined but she wouldn't give up so i just gave in and changed into the dress. „You look beautiful" she said, „Thanks Pans" i replied „It'll be okay" she reassured me before i left to meet Mattheo.

As i walked up the astronomy tower i didn't hear or see anyone so i thought he might've pranked me. „Well hello there" i heard him say as he appeared from the corner „hey" i said in a quiet tone. He had prepared a picnic and i hate to admit it but it was beautiful. I found myself stopping in my tracks „What happened?" he asked „Oh nothing it's just really pretty" i gave him a half smile „Glad you like it" he said before motioning for us to sit down.

„Is that Treacle Tart?" i asked the curly brunette sitting infront of me „Yes i made it myself" he said in a cocky voice, „Here have a piece" he added. „Mhm fis is so goof!" i said with a mouth full as he chuckled, and i hadn't seen mattheo chuckle, smile or laugh ever. „Did i just see the Mattheo Riddle chuckle?" i asked dramatically „Oh Shut Up" he said making a really serious face, before we start laughing together.

That night i saw someone else, it wasn't Mattheo Riddle or Riddle, it was just Mattheo. He was a different person not the prick or arse that he was these almost three years. I don't know what made him show this side of him to me but seeing him like this changed my whole perspective and judgment on him. My friends didn't believe me when i told them but i'd start to hang out with Mattheo more and more and he became part of the group as they slowly warmed up to him.

Theo never did. He hated Mattheo. Why? I don't know. But he said „Aslong as you're happy Dory, i'll always be here but i hate him" and i respect that, so i don't ever pressure him to hang out with us.

APRIL 23RD 1993

„I really like you Pandora, will you be my girlfriend?"  Mattheo asked me, at the same place where we had our first date, the astronomy tower. „I'd love to be your girlfriend" i told him.


„Riddle, Hey dora" Lorenzo greeted us as he sat down infront of us „Hey Enzo, how was your summer?" i asked him as i placed my book away „Actually really boring we didn't go away this summer" he told me „Oh me neither, are you excited for our fifth year?" i asked trying to make conversation „I am actually, your hair looks nice this long" he said smiling „Thanks Enzo" i return the gesture „How's your summer been Riddle?" he had asked the boy beside me but before he could answer, Theodore and Draco arrived along with Pansy aswell.

„Teddy!" i say as he leaned down to give me a hug „Dory" he muttered into the hug, he sat down next to Enzo so did Draco and Pansy made me and Mattheo get up so she could get the Window seat.

„Did you lot hear about the Halloween Ball this
year?" Pansy asked us „Halloween Ball?" Mattheo asked confused „Yeah my mother told me, apparently she's helping aswell" she spoke „Oh yeah my mum is too" Lorenzo said „Woah well it sounds fun" i say „It does" Theodore added.

Home, that's what this moment felt like. Even after 4 years together they never fail to make me feel at home.

born to die. / theo nott x fem OC Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora