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I FOUND myself sitting down in the bathrooms crying. How could he kiss someone else? He didn't think that i was the prettiest girl in the room, even though i was his girlfriend, how fucked up is that. „Can i sit down?" a familiar voice asked, i looked up to be met with the Theo's eyes, i nod at his question. He sits down beside me and we sit there in silence for a few moments. „I'm sorry Dory" he spoke softly, i turned to face him „It's not your fault Theo.." i told him as i wipe my tears „Besides i think we all saw it coming" i chuckled.

„It doesn't make it right" he says in a serious tone „Merlin i will kill him" i saw his jaw clench at his own words „Theo it's okay" i told him trying to calm him down „He doesn't deserve you Pandora." i look down knowing he's right „I thought he liked me" i say embarassed because i trusted him „It's hiss loss i promise" as he says that he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead „You're the most likeable person and if he can't see that, then he wasn't worth your time" i don't reply, i just let myself sink into his hug.

„Is everything alright Pandora?" draco asked walking inside, i nod at him „He's an arse" he spoke „I agree" Enzo said walking in aswell „Me three" Pansy said walking next to Enzo, i smile at the sight of my friends „Thank you" i told them. They all sat down on the bathroom floor beside me and Theo.
„We're here for you" Pansy said smiling at me „I know Thanks Pans" i told her returning the smile.

The five of us just sat in the bathroom for what felt like hours and they spent their free time cheering me up. They will never know how much i care for all of them, it's insane, we're like a little family. I couldn't imagine living without pansy's dirty jokes and draco's snobby remarks when someone offends him or enzo's laugh whenever he finds something funny or stupid, or theo's crooked smile, it was beautiful. Theo didn't smile often but when he did, we all smiled along that's how affective his smile was.

"Let's go back to the party, he doesn't deserve to make you sad. Show him what he's missing dora" Enzo spoke "Lorenzo it's probably not the best-" I cut theo off "Let's go" i gave theo a soft smile, reassuring him that i'm okay. He nods his head as we all get up and head back to the party. Theo wouldn't leave my side the whole time, as we walked i could feel his fingers brush against mine and i felt my heart stop whenever this happened. I wasn't able to process this feeling and by the looks of it, theo felt it too. He'd search for my eyes and i'd find his blue eyes piercing into mine.

I was set out of my trance as i felt someone's hand on my shoulder, before i could react.. Theo, Enzo and Draco were blocking this person out of the way. "I'm sorry Pandora" i heard Mattheo's voice say, i felt my body fill with rage. How dare he apologize after kissing another girl? "Dora don't" Enzo told me as he saw the anger in my eyes. As soon as i felt theo's hand hold onto mine i felt my body relax immediately. "Apology not accepted, we're over Mattheo." is all i said before walking away from him and sitting down on the couch. Soon enough my friends were either sitting next to me or on the couch infront of me.

I put my mask back on, so my outfit was complete again. "I like your costume" i heard theo whisper in my ear, i felt a smile forming on my face and nudge his arm before saying "Yours isn't too bad either" to this he chuckles quietly. He was dressed as an italian mafia boss who just killed someone, meaning his shirt was full of fake blood. "I'm sorry for being distant, dory" he said quietly.. "I just didn't wanna be around mattheo" he admitted "I understand" is all i say.

The rest of the night flew by as we continued to stay in our group, sometimes a few of the gryffindors such as fred and george would come over and accompany us but most of the time it was just us. Mattheo had stayed away, he didn't even care and if he didn't, i shouldn't either.. atleast that's what i told myself.

a/n: im sorry i didnt update this, i went MIA.
ill try and update more but i cant promise anything if anyone has any wishes or ideas for what to happen in the story lmk. thankyou to everyone who's read this story so far i appreciate it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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