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„SHALL I WEAR THIS?" i asked as i held up a black laced mask what would only cover my eyes. It was Halloween Night which meant the Halloween Ball was in not even an hour. I had decided to just pair a black dress with laced sleeves with the mask, it would also show a little bit of cleavage. „Yes you shall, you'll look hot" Pansy spoke as she winked at me „You look beautiful Pansy" i told her as i looked at the pirate costume she was wearing, it was a corset with a white loose dress and she looked gorgeous as ever. „Thankyou Pands" she smiled at me.

„Come on" i held out my hand for her to hold, she intertwined her fingers with mine as we walked down the stairs to the common room. „Where are they?!" i heard my cousin's voice ask, he sounded stressed as if he was gonna be late, we were actually on time. „Right here dimwit" i chuckled as for i met theo's eyes who as i realized was matching my outfit. „Pansy you look dashing" Blaise complimented my bestfriend and the smile on her face was enough for me to know that she was so happy. „Where's Mattheo?" i found myself asking the boys „We haven't seen him since class" Lorenzo shrugged „Come on smile little black, let's go" enzo held out his hand as i grabbed it and we all walked to the great hall together.

„Pandora Hey!" i saw the twins calling me „I'll be right back guys" i tell my friends and they nod letting me leave. „Hey Fred, hey George" i smile at the two „How are you?" they ask me, „I'm good and
you?" they look at eachother„We're good love, we just wanted to check up on you" Fred said with a half smile „Thankyou I really appreciate it and you two look amazing!" i laugh slightly at them dressed up as Snape and Dumbledore „We knew you would" they said in union „Snape will go mad" i said laughing „We'll be fine darling now go have fun" they smile at me „Thanks again" i tell them before heading back to my friends.

„Hey you" Theo smiled at me as i made my way to them „Hey" i smile back as i stand beside him „Didn't know you'd copy my costume" he smirked, „Oh shove off you copied me" i nudge him as he lets out a chuckle „Sure but you look great" he said „Thanks Teddy, you don't look too bad yourself" he rolls his eyes at my response.

„Is that Mattheo?" i heard blaise ask a few feet away from me pointing at the entrance „Bloody hell" draco muttered furiously, „Who's he with?" i asked theo „Looks like greengrass" he tells me „Oh" is all i say before walking away and grabbing a drink at the bar, non alcoholic of course. „Pandora" „Harry" i smile at the boy „Is everything alright?" he asks me „Yeah" i reply with a smile „I'm sorry for storming off so weirdly the last time we talked" he said „It's okay Harold" i chuckle „Shove off that's not even my name" he rolls his eyes „Come on it's funny" he tries to stay serious before i fall into laughter again and he does too. „Harry, wanna dance?" a ravenclaw girl had asked him, he looked at me as he hesitated ‚go' i mouthed to him „Sure" he smiled at the girl before they made their way to the dance floor.

I kept sipping on the drink i've been holding in my hand as i watched everyone else dance together, including Mattheo and Astoria, i don't know what's gotten into him lately. He'd be okay with me one day and the other i don't even exist, wasn't he the one who wanted me first anyway?

„Would you like to accompany me on the dance floor m'lady?" Enzo asked with his arm out for me to hook into „It would be a pleasure Sir" i smile as he does the same. „You look absolutely dashing, i'm sorry he didn't notice dora" he said as we flowed to the Rythym of the music „Thanks Enzo" i tell him as he twirls me „I love your costume" i told the brunette, he was dressed as a vampire. „Thank you" he replied „You know he's glaring at us right now" he spoke softly „Really?" i ask trying to meet mattheo's eyes „Yes let's have fun with this" he smirks, i nod as i understand his plan. Enzo immediately starts twirling me again and pulling me closer as we danced only inches apart from eachother. We had smiled and laughed the entire time.

What they didn't know was, not only Mattheo was watching but another pair of eyes were glaring at the two.

„You're such a good dancer!" i tell him as we go get drinks „Well thank you" he says in a cocky tone „Thank you" i say causing him to raise an eyebrow „for?" he seemed confused „The dance, i forgot about everything, i had fun." i smiled „That's what im here for dora" he smiles as he pulls me into a side hug.

„Truth or Dare in the Library!" we heard some students whisper, i looked at the boy beside me who was already looking at me and initiating that we'd go and we did. We found our way there and met with familiar faces, our friends and we joined them. Mattheo and Astoria were also there and Enzo had noticed me tense at the sight of them so he stroked my hands to calm me down.

„Draco Truth or Dare?" Pansy asked him „Dare" he said „Kiss Enzo on the lips" she said as i chuckled at my cousin's disgusted face „Cmon i know you want to" Enzo said already making kissy lips „Shove off" he said before pecking enzo's lips as quick as he could, making us all laugh. „Truth or Dare
Theo?" Draco asked „Truth" he said taking a hit off of what looked like a cigarette „Are you a virgin?" he asked, Theodore didn't seem to be bothered by this question although it wasn't draco's place to ask „Yes" is all he said, „Are you for real?" Blaise asked „Only one question" he winked at Blaise.

„Mattheo Truth or Dare?" Theo glared at Mattheo while asking „Dare, i'm not a wuss" i heard all the boys scoff at his words „Okay i dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room" Theo said looking at me as for Mattheo, i thought he'd come over to kiss me like he has been doing for the last two years, He didn't.

He leaned in to kiss Astoria, i saw everyone's jaw dropping, including mine. „Oh that's fucked up" i heard Enzo say before tears started to form in my eyes and i took this as a que to get up and leave.

born to die. / theo nott x fem OC Where stories live. Discover now