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„Looks like we meet again, Pandora" i was greeted by the boy who bumped into me not even two days ago „Theodore" i greet him aswell „Please call me Theo" i nod „Theo" i smile and he does the same „Who's your friend?" i heard Draco ask „This is Theodore, Theo this is my Cousin Draco" i watched as they both introduced eachother and it all looked civil, „I'm Lorenzo" he offered his hand to Theo from behind me, he must've felt left out. Theo took upon that offer „Theodore" he answers. „These two are Crabbe and Goyle" Draco tells me pointing at the two boys he was sitting in between, all they did was awkwardly smile at me, „Nice to meet you" i spoke and they nodded their heads.

„What's up with him?" Lorenzo asks me pointing at the boy who was already arguing with a first year, a girl even. I watched him yell at her just because she took the last piece of cake, really immature i'd say „Hey stop yelling at her!" i spoke „Sod off, will
you?" he spat „Not until you stop yelling at her and i can get you a piece of cake, we have some where we sit if you're that desperate" i tried making amends but i'm not sure what he was thinking or why he was being rude and immature over something so little „fine" i raised an eyebrow, he sighed „fine i'll stop but i want that cake" my eyes lit up at his words, i smiled at the girl who he was yelling at and sprinted to get a piece of cake „What was that about?" Draco asks me confused „I'll tell you in a second wait" i say before going back to where he was sitting „Here" i said handing it to him. „Thanks" he tells me „Of course"

„Hey what's your name?" i asked the girl who was now munching on that cake „Pansy Parkinson" she tries smiling with food in her mouth, i chuckle at the sight „I'm Pandora, i'll see you also don't let him get to you" i say pointing at him „Hey! i have a name and i'm right here" he speaks up „Sorry Mattheo" i tell him before walking back to my newly made friends.

„He was yelling at the poor girl because of some cake" i tell them „What that's so stupid!" Lorenzo spoke while laughing „I agree but maybe he had a bad day or something" i say not wanting to judge him too early „She's right" Theo spoke up
„See!" „Ugh you're too optimistic all the time Cousin dearest" i smack him on the head „And you're too pessimistic Malfoy" „Yeah whatever" Theo and Lorenzo laughed at me and draco's little arguments, i can't blame them it is funny.

Now we were brought to the Slytherin tower by the prefect, we gathered that the password was Pureblood, why am i not surprised? Besides that the common room was immensely beautiful, every shade of green, it looked rich and the little details were insane. „So this is where we part my friend" Lorenzo said as he touched my shoulder „I guess so, sleep well Enzo" i tell him „Enzo?" he smirks „You like your nickname?" „Of course little one" he was only a bit taller but i let it slide „Goodnight" he spoke before leaving me. Draco was nowhere in sight seems like he already left to the boy dormitory with his two new friends.

„How do you like it?" a voice spoke behind me, i was faced with Theo as soon as i turned around „It's beautiful" i say, admiring the ceiling and the decorations „It is" he says while looking at me, i didn't notice that though. „I suppose i have to say goodnight, sleep well panda" he says smiling „Panda?" i ask „New nickname for my new friend" he tells me, funny, i did the same to Lorenzo „I like it" i smile „Goodnight Theo" i say before we part ways.

In my dorm i was met with Pansy, the girl who was getting yelled at by Mattheo just earlier. „Pansy" i greet her „Pandora" she sighs out of relief „Thankyou for earlier" she tells me „Oh that was nothing" i say „I'm glad we're roommates" she nods in agreement „Me too". I started unpacking everything, i brought a picture frame with me and my mum on it, „Is that your mum?" the girl asked me „It is" „She's very pretty" i smiled „I agree" . „Would you like to sit with me at Breakfast tomorrow?" she asks me „I would love to" i tell her „Good" she replies and goes back to unpacking her stuff.

We were both now laying in bed staring at the ceiling. „Have you made any new Friends?" i ask her curiously „I'm not sure but i talked to Daphne Greengrass earlier, she seemed nice and now you" i smiled to myself „What about you?" she asks me now „I think Lorenzo and Theo are my new friends and you too" i tell her, i heard her hum in response „How was that cake?" she chuckled „Really good, i don't know why he was such an arse" she spoke „I agree it was childish of him" we are 11 though, i thought to myself.

„Pandora wake up, you don't wanna be late on the first day" i heard someone say, must be pansy. I check my alarm clock to see it was 6:45, breakfast starts at 7:30. „Thankyou so much for waking me" i say before rushing into the bathroom. I must've fell asleep while talking to Pansy last night. After my morning routine i decided to let my hair down unlike yesterday when i had it up, and put on my glasses after cleaning them. „Ready?" she asks me as i was putting on my tie „Yeah" i say grabbing my books and my wand.

„Good Morning" a cheerful voice greeted me at the slytherin table, it was none other than Lorenzo „Morning Enzo" i say grabbing myself some treacle tart „He's a little moody" he says pointing at Draco „He's not a morning person" i tell him „Right yes" he says before going back to eating his pixie puffs. I look next to me just to find Pansy to be gone, i scanned the table to find her next to who seemef to be Daphne Greengrass. Aslong as she's happy of course. „Good Morning Panda, Lorenzo and Malfoy" Theo spoke before sitting down in front of me „Good Morning Teddy" i say taking a bite out of the tart „Teddy hm?" he smirks at me „New Nickname for my New friend" i say quoting what he had said last night, he chuckles at my words „and here i thought i was special" Lorenzo says acting hurt „You are special enzo" i say and we all laugh, not Malfoy of course, he was not feeling it.

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