Chapter 14

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*Left: Emma Watson as Princess Elizabeth*

*Right: Julie Andrews as The Queen of England*

*Extra long chapter, a gift from me to you. Enjoy :)*

Angela's POV

I can't believe he's taking me to the palace...Am I dressed properly? Or did I over dress? He should have told me before I dressed in this sundress.

Damn you, Gabriel.

"This is the why I didn't tell you where we were going. You're worrying way to much, you look fine, Granny's going to love you regardless, trust me" Gabriel said, making me lose my train of thought.

Did he just read my mind? How'd he know I was worrying?

"No. I'm not a mind reader but I can read the expression on your face" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window.

"You really do look beautiful, Angela. Honestly" he smiled.

I stared at my hands on my lap "Thank you" I blushed.

"Wow. You're really adorable when you blush, you know that right?"

"S-Shut up!" I said. He laughed and continued driving.

Finally after enduring that awkward long car drive, we drove up the huge pearly white gates with security at front, many people and paparazzi everywhere are trying to take our picture, the gate closes behind us as we drove up.

"Here put-" I grabbed the glasses and smiled. "I know what to do, thank you. I'm a famous heiress remember, I've been through this plenty of times"

We walked out the car and Gabriel put his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the front door. As soon as we got to the front door I took his arm from around my shoulder, the door began to open, Gabriel had the audacity to wrap his arm around my waist.

Stop, blushing. He has no affect on me, he has no affect on me. Just relax, I'm about to meet the Queen herself.

There stood the Queen, she's so beautiful, she has that sweet grandma smile on her face, makes me miss both of my grandmas back in Italy and New York.

"Oh, dear heavens. Bunny, how are you? You never call me anymore, have you forgotten about your own Granny already?" She smiled giving Gabriel a hug and kiss.

Bunny? Really? That's his nickname? Oh, this is gold, just pure gold.

"I'm good Granny. Sorry, I've been caught up with school work, I'd never forget you, Granny. I'm sorry" he smiled at her.

I couldn't help but laugh at his nickname, I let out a giggle.

The Queen finally noticed me, I stopped giggling, a bowed in her presence. "I...Um...Y-Your highness" I said. She suddenly hugged me "No need to be formal, my dear. My you are absolutely beautiful just as bunny said you were, my my I do love your dress, it's adorable"

"T-Thank you-"

"Just call me Granny" she smiled, I nodded.

"-Granny?" I said.

He...He talked about me? With the queen?!

"Granny, please stop with the nickname"

"Oh, embarrass are you? Well, you shouldn't. You're girlfriend here, doesn't mind" she laughed. "-Come now, let us eat in the garden" she said walking away.

I turned to Gabriel, thinking of many ways to kill him without being suspect. "I'm sorry. Please just go with it"

"What? You want me to lie? To the queen?! Are you seriously that stupid?" I huffed.

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