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"A deal? What sort of deal?

Cucurucho looked at me then down at its book

"A deal that gets your son back to you and Roier."

I paused, it couldn't have been that easy could it?

"What's the catch then?"

Cucuruchos face never left that sickening smile kept staring at me while they began writing once more

"You need to help us first."

"Help you guys? No way."

"Then no son."

I blinked again, staring at the bear.

"Fine. What do I need to do?"

The bear then began to write again

"I need for you to get information for me while I work on reviving Bobby. Each day you'll be tasked with gaining information on one different person. This should take 5 days."

That's it? I just need to find information about the others? Seemed easy enough.

"That seems easy enough."

The bear begins to write again and I began to dread. Me and my big mouth.

"That's where the catch comes in"

I mentally punched myself. If I only kept my mouth shut.

"What's the catch?"

The bear held out a bear mask.

"You must become one with us. Wear a mask.

I blinked a couple of times. I HAD TO JOIN THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DID THIS.

"Why do I need to wear a mask? Is this temporary?"

The bear looked me in the eyes. I never could get pass the cold lifelessness of those eyes. Those eyes were frightening and something could tell me I'd be stuck with the federation for a while. The bear began to write again. I could only feel a shiver climbing up my spine as I watched it write something for me but their eyes never leaving mine.

"You will need to work with us for a bit before we let you quit. Think of it as repayment to get him back and for attacking me."

I gulped and nodded.

"Will the others recognize me? While I'm dressed as this at least?"

The bear shrugged which was not the answer I was hoping for.

"Do I get to take it off at least when I'm around the others?"

The text to speech voice came out of the bear.


"And when I'm not around anyone then I put on the mask and get information."


"Then how do I dodge questions about what happened.. Where do I hide this..? WHAT DO I DO?!"

The bear shrugged. It then pointed to my regular clothes in a chair and pulled up the book

"Get dressed then I'll give you your first assignment"

Shit. I didn't even realize Cucurucho had helped me. Was this like a hospital? Just like Maximus was in. They saved him and bandaged him up from being killed but that begs the question.. Why?

I shook my head as I got my things on, putting the mask over my face. Just in case there was any thought in my mind that Roier would try and find this place. I wanted to hide my identity because I couldn't tell him that for now? I was working for the Federation and no matter what might happen, I have to follow its rules.


I met up with Bad and Cellbit at La Favela to discuss a possible plan to help Jaiden. She was my former egg partner. We both cared for Bobby and laid down our lives to protect him no matter the cost. We both tried our best and we're both desperate to get him back. But desperate enough to fight Cucurucho?

I honestly hadn't had a chance to even process my own grief, let alone process the departure of Jaiden. She closed herself off from everyone including me. We were a team for such a long time but I guess grief hits us both in different ways. I could only hope my egg partner was okay, especially after everything. Maybe she'll return just like Max did and maybe she won't but who knows. All I can know is our plan is to save Jaiden one way or another.

"So, Jaiden was killed by Cucurucho, correct?"

"Mhm. Neither Roier nor I could get to her in time but from her message left for Roier stated she wanted to get Bobby back by any means necessary."

I sighed looking at Cellbit, one of my closest friends. The one who was a detective and keeping an eye on everything going on in the island. I was thankful that right now he's on my side.

"Is there anything you can do to help us, Gatinho?"

Cellbit sighed, his eyes looking back and forth between me and Bad

"I can try my best. Do you have any idea as to where Jaiden died? If Cucurucho actually took her?"

"We think Jaiden was taken, Roier said she didn't respawn at his house"

"Merda. Do you think Cucurucho will return with her?"

I shook my head no, I opened my map to see how far Jaiden was from me originally until...

"Não acredito. Ela está no centro de adoção agora! We need to head there quickly! Vamanos! Vamanos! Vamanos!"

I ran out the door with the two following me. I hadn't even talked to Jaiden in the weeks since Bobby's passing. Her and I's last conversation was about being happy to be friends. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

We used the waypoint to get to my house as I kept tracking Jaiden. She hadn't moved since then. I kept having my stomach do flips over and over again. Guilt was something that plagued the two of us since everything happened. I could only wish everything could go back to the way it was before.

I ran and ran, faster than Cellbit or BadboyHalo could keep up with. But I finally saw her, my friend once again. I put my hand on her shoulder


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