Detective Chingon

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Bobby kept the meeting with his mother every morning a secret. He kept meeting with her and kept trying to get answers to write down. He asked her about what she was doing and though, she would only answer with "Classified." She would leave him letters every other day.

The letters were the usual "I love you messages" But there was always a code at the bottom. Finally he asked his mother to write down why she didn't like Roier. It made no sense but he knew it was some weird hatred towards him that she had. She didn't answer initially but she wrote.

A lot.

He hadn't even had time to read it when she left but she gave him a hug and off she went. He immediately read the note and he suddenly dropped it.

His mother held a grudge against Roier. One he didn't understand, something didn't make sense. He remembered how he died and none of that happened.. Did it?

She blamed Roier for the death of Bobby, She had never done that before had she? Was it something deep down inside of her that compelled her to hate Roier? He had to confront his dad because from what he remembered? Roier did his best to save him but he died trying. Which in his opinion? Didn't mean he caused his death.

Roier was making breakfast, he had barely been sleeping as of recently so Cellbit had been accompanying him with Richarlyson. Bobby could've even sworn Richarlyson had noticed the pattern of him recently but it didn't matter. Bobby Chingon was on the case.

Bobby had tugged on his dad trying to get his attention

"Que es bobby?"

Roier had turned to face his son to be met with a sign. A sign that caused his face to fall.

"Does Mom blame you for my death?"

Roier looked at Bobby and looked back at the sign. The usually loud and excitable man was quiet and sullen. He looked at Bobby.

"I always fear she has. However, she didn't seem to when I told her what happened originally. But I always fear that I was the cause of her pushing me and everyone away. That it was my fault for not saving you in time."

Cellbit had walked in hearing everything and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Guapito, you and I both know she never once blamed you for anything regarding Bobby's death. She only distanced herself to try and escape to a happier time between you three. One where Bobby still existed even if it was just in her mind."

Bobby paused, was that why she built a home in the field of roses? Because it was the closest thing she had to him? It upset him greatly that she didn't lean on others for help but he knew how she was about people.

He knew he was the one thing she had going for her for a while.

"But why did you ask that Bobby? Do you know something?"

Roier had perked an eyebrow up which drew Bobby quickly out of his thoughts.

"I was thinking of why mom was going to avoid you all of the sudden for no reason. Maybe the weirdos at the federation did something to her..?"

Roier and Cellbit exchanged a worried glance.

"I'm afraid you might be onto something Bobby. However, we have no way of contacting her yet. No way that we could know that she really has been brainwashed by the federation."

Bobby looked down. He could find a way for Jaiden to visit them but, what if she doesn't come because she knew he told them?

"But it also doesn't mean we won't try."

Bobby perked up, running over and hugging the two. Richarlyson even joined in the hug as they began to make plans for what was to come.

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