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Everything still hurt but the testing continued. Every test was something different and every different time it was done the more tired I felt. I felt like my body was weighed down with each test.

Each test just marked more time of rest. I was gaining back strength but it was slower than normal. My will to be able to get up was slowly slipping, not like I could do it at the moment. I kept trying to keep my thoughts on getting back to Bobby and Roier but with the pain I was in? I knew I couldn't.

Cucuruchos visits were frequent but sometimes drawn out to days before he'd visit me again. My visitor hadn't visited me since the first time. I'd hoped they'd visit me again, however, it seemed unlikely.

It seemed more likely that I'd be laying in this white room all alone for the rest of my life. A white bear would be my only companion. The only pop of color being the purple flower that was in a vase next to me.

Everything felt hopeless for me. Every little bit of will I had was slowly fading away. I don't know how long I had been bed bound at this point. My will had been fading even before this. When I first received the mask and having the inability to talk or see my son sent me down this dark path.

An endless loop. A web of lies.

This was my new life.

One in the paw of the federation.

Roier was antsy because of everything. There was no Jaiden spotting for a month now. He had been used to taking care of Bobby by himself but even Bobby was getting antsy and frustrated by his mothers disappearance. He kept digging his face into the book he had been left with by Jaiden.

Everyone had been worried about them. Every time Roier had to brush off any mention of Jaiden and just hoped for her safety. Cellbit came back with the information she had written down and it worried him. Has Cucurucho found out? Is that why she hadn't returned?

These questions spiraled around the empty house. No visitors, just an empty shell of a happy family missing another piece to their puzzle.

Every meal felt like an empty placehold of where their family should be, what they should be doing. Bobby was home but Jaiden wasn't. They were in her home but she wasn't there.

Everything felt wrong

My brain couldn't comprehend everything going on around me. Cucurucho had come to do their normal check in. This time It was dressed in a lab coat, they looked like they were preparing for an operation, though I couldn't be sure.

Cucurucho told me if there was gonna be a test or something for me to deal with and since they hadn't yet it seemed unlikely it was me.

They had tried to help me get some strength back but even then that would take a while. For now I had to rest.

" What are you doing?"

I turned my head slowly to Cucurucho

I coughed before attempting to speak

"Resting, like I've been doing."

My voice was still hoarse but it was slowly coming back to me.

Cucurucho patted my head in response with a content hum.

Ever since the incident with Bobby, Cucurucho had been oddly nicer to me, all things considered. Like it was genuinely taking care of me for whatever reason. However they still made me go through tests after tests.

It felt like though Cucurucho was taking care of me in a sense however, I was never going to be certain about that.

Cucurucho left once more leaving me to my thoughts.

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