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I wish I was kidding when I say the next few days were hell. Aside from getting my own missions done, Cellbit disappeared. He had joined the federation, part of which I had seen in my off time. I had an office in the far corner, far away from where Cucurucho was. Cellbit had chosen the one next to Cucurcuho and gotten too close to a secret.

I hadn't seen him since.

That terrified me. What terrified me more? Roier started to go a little insane more and more by the day. He was hallucinating that Bobby was still with us. He was right beside us and we had missions to do. I knew he wasn't back yet. We still had a day until he'd be returned. So why was Roier acting like this..

I sighed, today I still have to get my missions from Cucurucho. I walked through the meeting room of which I have to go back to for a meeting with the rest of the federation just to go to my office. Walking through the sliding, I ensured I put on my mask to prevent any confusion if Cellbit truly is still here. I slowly began to make my way to my office before I was stopped

"What are you doing?"

I turned around, there stood Cucurucho in front of me.

"Ah, Cucurucho, I'm getting my next assignment."

Cucurucho nodded at me. As I turned my heel to my office, it kept following closely behind.

I turned back around

"Do you need something"


"Okay then, What can I do for you?"

The bear motioned me to follow them. I did just that, followed it every step of the way. It led me into his office, motioning me to sit down before it left to go do something.

I sat there in silence. God this was hard enough being here, wearing the mask and being away from Roier during his time of mental crisis but I had to just so we could get Bobby back. I was suddenly thrusted out of my thoughts as Cucurucho reentered with another Federation member, one I didn't think I had seen before. They took a seat beside me, a mask covering their face.

Cucurucho took a seat behind their desk. Before starting


"Hi, What did you need Cucurucho?" I asked still curious about their motives, I looked over and the figure beside me stared at me


My mouth dropped behind the mask. It was Cellbit. Shitshitshitshit. My mind began to race and it was racing faster than I could think, I was panicking and hoping that this wasn't going to turn badly but I could only think about why I was doing all of this.

Cellbit didn't say another word as his attention was roped back to Cucurucho and so was mine as we each got a book. I began to read over it.

"You will be tasked to keep an eye on Cellbit today. If he acts in a disobedient way towards the federation, you are to let me know. Failure to do so will result in your son's demise."

Demise? He's not yet alive is he...? I shook my head from those thoughts, nodding to Cucurcuho.

Cellbit looked up from his book and stared at Cucurucho then at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking with the mask blocking his perception.

"Well then, if that's all. Do you mind if I head to my office?"

Cucurucho nodded as I got up. Cellbit followed behind me, I didn't want to acknowledge it but there he was. I opened my door as Cellbit watched me.

"Are you coming in or not Cellbit?"

He jumped.. Before entering my office, we both took a seat to talk.

"Jaiden, why are you with the federation?"

"I should ask you that myself, Cellbit. Where the hell have you been these past few days?"

He went silent.

"I've been here."

"Mhm." I rolled my eyes, we both had yet to take off the mask

"What about you Jaiden? Since when were you a traitor? Was it the day you died?"

Those words hit me deep. A traitor? For wanting my son back? I hate the federation as much as everyone else but I'm no traitor.

"Listen. First of all, I wouldn't say I'm a traitor. I joined the federation for my own purposes. I'm here to get what I need to get done and get out as fast as I can. I have a day until what I need comes back to me. But you? I'd say you're a traitor if anything. You're in the federation without telling the others?"

He went silent again.

"That's none of your concern. All I'm trying to do is keep everyone here on this island."

I kept staring at him and just nodded.

"So what's your task for today Cellbit?

He looked up at me

"Check in on Roier and see how he's doing."

I smirked a little, this would be the easiest assignment for me to do.

"Then I'll come with you. I need to see Roier after all. He's been hallucinating that Bobby's been alive.. And I'm genuinely concerned for him."

By the way Cellbit moved in his chair, I could tell he was uncomfortable but wouldn't speak further on the matter.

"Welcome to the federation by the way" I said on my way out of my office. Watching Cellbit's ears perk up and the hair stand on the end of his tail made me chuckle a little. I had to be intimidating to keep up a reputation in this place. The fact Cucurucho even trusted me myths me. But if this is what it takes to get my child back then it's what it takes.

When we arrived to Roiers house, we walked in on him with his arms in the air turning around in circles. I looked at Cellbit with a look of 'I told ya so'. I had told Cellbit to put the mask in his backpack and try his best not to lie to Roier otherwise he'd know.

"Cellbit! Jaiden! ¡Cómo estás, mi familia! I was just spinning Bobby around, he's such a silly boy."

Both Cellbit and I gave a what the fuck look to eachother. We both could tell he wasn't right in the head at this moment but it was from grief. We knew the grief had overtaken him, it had overtaken me as well. I'm just glad our family is together once more albeit missing one person.

"Bobby is not here Guapito." Cellbit reached a hand out to him

"¡Estás mintiendo! Yo-" He looked over to his side before breaking down into tears.

Cellbit and I threw off our backpacks before immediately enveloping Roier into a comforting hug.

It was a while before any of us let go. All of us, one way or another, were affected by Bobby's death. We were Roiers only remaining family but that wouldn't be for long. Bobby will be home soon.

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