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She stood there in a daze. Staring out at the forest, a statue of a titan was built right before her eyes. Something that she never truly seen before now. 

She wanted to ask questions but that required a ton of thought and something at this moment? She'd rather leave for later. She was tired. That was one thing for certain, that she was tired. 

When had she last slept? Who knows, not even she knew at this moment. Maybe Cucurucho did? But who knew.

POV Change

The men scoped the area, ensuring they stayed out of sight of the winged woman above. She stood there, wings spread out and her gaze fixated on the titan being constructed in front of her. 

The men had to figure out a way to get to the top of the federation building to break in. It wasn't easy but with the use of their centipede pants and the spider man grappling hook to scale the building (I don't know the name of it sue me) 

They looked around, surely there was a way to break into the building without either sounding an alarm. This time they knew they had to save Jaiden but how?

Assembling a team at this moment was their best option in order to rescue her but how should they break in? That was a whole other obstacle. 

They had to not alert Cucurucho and in the case they couldn't even alert Jaiden to this. They had no idea what the federation had done to her but it was something concerningly substantial that must've happened to her to hate Roier in the way that she does.

Cellbit and Roier exchanged glances as they pulled out a map to begin planning a route. In the best scenario? They'd have to break through the glass on the top floor to escape.

 With Jaiden's wings it could make it easy but as they noted, they didn't think she'd be a willing participant since they technically would have kidnapped her back. It was a double edge sword and that was something the two had to keep in mind.

They also had to keep in mind who they were doing this all for. Not just for Jaiden herself but for Bobby. It was Bobby who wanted his mother home and back to normal and they were the ones that were tasked in doing this.

They then figured out that there was an opening from the ceiling, if they climbed through the vents quietly then they'd have a chance to get through any guards. They'd also be able to avoid any surprise attack that might stand in their way. 

This means they'd be able to get Jaiden.. However, the idea of how to get out and not die via jumping out a window had come to mind. It was crazy but maybe one of their previous tools could help.

 It was already an idea to have back up but who in their mind would be crazy enough to help them? With the idea of back up also meant a way that the two didn't have to use their original thought out escape route.

That's why they now needed to form a rescue team. Because no matter what was about to happen? It wasn't going to be an easy one.

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