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Cellbit was able to decode the message easily. Though he was worried. Roier was about to get tangled into a web of things he shouldn't get involved with.

"Are you sure you're okay with being involved with this Guapito?"

Cellbit looked to Roier. He had to say something, anything with this situation could get messy quick.

"I'm sure Gathino, Jaiden.. She is mi familia. She means a lot to me. I want to help her but I don't know how I can.."

Cellbit sighed and patted Roiers back.

"Listen I'll decipher this for you just come back in a couple days alright? I have some things I need to deal with before I can."

Roier gave him a small smile

"Of course Gathino. Please be safe though. I can't lose you too."

Roier waved goodbye to Cellbit before walking to go get his son.

"Bobby! Come on, we need to head home."

Bobby ran over to his father instantly. He waved goodbye to his friends and off they went home. Roier had finally gotten the courage to tell him about what happened after his death. All of this courage comes from seeing Jaiden.

"Mi hijo,I need to tell you something important."

Bobby tilted his head listening to what his father had to say.

"Well.. After your death, Jaiden and I kept our promises. Every sunset, we stopped and watched whether it was together or separate. I even began building you your town! We have a taqueria, a Costco and an Oxxo! Jaiden on the other hand well... She moved out of Mi hijo."

Bobby stared up at his dad before he wrote something down


That hit Roier like a ton of bricks. Why had she moved out? Because it was extremely difficult for her to bear to be in the same house where her son lived and how lonely it was without him. It was especially difficult when he could feel like Jaiden felt like a bother to him.

"It's complicated Bobby. But she built her new house over in a special area, I'll show it to you tomorrow. How does that sound?"

Bobby looked up to his father and eagerly smiled and nodded. Roier picked the small boy up and placed him in bed. He could only hope that Jaiden was okay.

The next day came and Bobby was practically pulling Roier to go see Jaidens new home. Bobby wanted to see what his mother had been planning in the time he was gone.

When they arrived to say Bobby lit up in excitement was an understatement. He immediately recognized the terrain, the abandoned dungeon, everything but it was also different. The newly built house, a walkway leading to a freshly built treehouse with three chairs. It was such an overwhelming experience. However Bobby stopped in his tracks when he saw the room dedicated to him. He could feel the grief she had just bottled up into one room.

There were no words exchanged in the time they spent at her new home. A few tears but not much was shared. Roier knew the ins and outs of this place just showing Bobby around his mothers memorial was upsetting but he knew he had to do it. Bobby stopped and looked at Roier before asking

"Can we live here until she's back?"

Days had passed since the tests happened. Jaiden was able to see now. More clearer than she had before. However, everything hurts. She was bedridden and had been for days, she craved to see her son, to see her friends and see her family. But here she was stuck in a white room recovering with the occasional visit from Cucurcuho to deliver her food.

That was until she got a different visitor. One that was accidental.


I turned my head to the voice. The mask had yet to leave my face, one that I couldn't exactly take off.

"Holy shit it is you Jaiden. Are you okay?"

I blinked a couple of times and gave the figure a thumbs down. If I was honest, I felt like an entire truck had plowed me down

"Geez... What did they do to you..?"

I opened my mouth trying to find the words to say. Even talking hurt but it was worth a shot.


My voice came out hoarse as my throat itches severely. I wish I could just try and do something to soothe it alas there was nothing I could even remotely do.

I could see the look on the figure's face, one of horror as they kneeled down on my level.

"Roier got your message."

I stared back at them and nodded. I'm glad he's alright and Bobby too. I just wish I could do more and be with them at least try to.

"I'll be back later alright? We'll find a way to help you, I promise."

I nodded or tried to with the pain it caused me.

The figure left and I was left with one question.

How much longer was I going to suffer?

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