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Roier woke up behind a plexiglass, He didn't know how he managed to get there but one thing he did know? That he was viewing his best friend being experimented on. He banged on the glass as much as he could to gain their attention but alas nothing worked.

He looked around for someone but he found no one. He looked around for an item to break the glass but found none. He was stuck watching the bear pull a mask to her face, she was struggling one moment but limp the next. He screamed and pounded as much as he could on the glass hoping it'd break.

He was helpless and couldn't save his friend from the clutches of Cucurucho. He couldn't save her from the same IV that had been put into his friend's arms, he couldn't save her from the metal helmet going on top of her head and most importantly? He couldn't save her from It.

That was his best friend and platonic partner he was watching and yet here he could only bang on the glass and hope she heard him. He kept banging and banging and yet it seemed hopeless. He screamed out Jaidens name once more before waking up in a cold sweat.

He looked over to his side to see Bobby next to him. Thankfully, the boy was still asleep. He patted his head as he made it out to the balcony and sat there. It was just a dream, none of what happened really happened. It was like a one way mirror where he could see everything but they couldn't tell he was there.

He could only hope his best friend was okay. He kept up looking at the stars when he heard the shuffling of footsteps from outside.

"Hola Guapito"

"Hola Gatinho, What brings you over here so late in the night?"

"Something in my gut was telling me you needed someone. Mind if I come in?"

Roier paused before nodding. He went down stairs and let the man in. Everything in his home remained the same. It was one of the only days he could've convinced Bobby to come to the house.

Roier led Cellbit back upstairs and to the balcony where Roier had been processing everything. He couldn't really tell what he was feeling or if it was a nightmare he had but it was vivid. He hoped it was all that it was.

"Guapito, is everything okay?"

Roier bit at his lip. How can he convey his feelings appropriately to Cellbit? Cellbit was someone who cared for him after all, and at this point they were sort of dating.

"I don't know.. I can't tell if it was a nightmare or if it was an actual event."

Cellbit looked over to the male. He looked at him with concern.

"Do you want to describe it?"

And so Roier did. He didn't leave a single detail out. It was a long silence in between them before Cellbit broke it.

"That hopefully was just a bad dream, you know Guapito? But we can't know for certain. I don't think it'll do that to her ya know? Have some faith in yourself, we'll find her before they try anything."

Roier only smiled.

"You're right, I'm just worried about her ya know? She's my best friend, part of the family and someone who helped me through a tough time just like you, Gathino."

He noticed Cellbit blush a bit before draping his arm around Roier's shoulders and pulled him close.

"Don't worry Guapito, she's safe.. Wherever the federation took her.

Jaiden awoke to being strapped down to an operation table, the cold metal surface felt weird against her skin. She attempted to lift her arms and feet up but they were clamped down to the table.

"What the hell.."

She slammed her fists upward trying to break free. As she squirmed around, Cucurucho walked into the room.


Cucurucho ignored the brunette as it set up a table beside her full of materials. As much as Jaiden tried to knock over the items it had set up, she had failed to do so due to the restraints

She thrashed her head around as Cucurucho put a mask around her face, turning on the tank of anesthesia wafting her nose with the smell of cherries hitting her. Within moments she felt her body loosen up. The anesthesia was coarsing through her body, and as she tried to fight it the more she felt tired. She giggled a bit as it began to make her feel loopy, she made attempts to thrash her head with no success and with that she finally lost the fight. The last thing she saw was the same helmet being placed upon her head again before her eyes shut.

Cucurucho kept with its plans, making sure to attach a heart monitor and an IV in order to keep vitals on her.

It looked to the Glass and smiled

Goodnight Subject 0029.

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