Smokey Feilds

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The Alvorado Castle:

The Alvorado Castle:

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Theuses's pov:

I stride through the long passages of my home, my barefeet hitting the cold tiles, a pang inside my chest.

I do not know why my heart aches when I walk through the castle. Everytime I do, my soul feels empty as though I have no purpose in life,

The walls of my shelter are the reasons of my loneliness, or maybe its that my siblings nor parents spare any attention to me.

I get showered in gifts and spoils but never any of their loving glances.

I do not want their expensive gifts, nor do I want servants do all I ask of.

When I try plead this to my family, My words just fall through deaf ears, it's feels as though I am just merely an insignificance in their life.

Maybe they don't take me seriously because i am just seven years old, maybe they think that I don't understand what loneliness is, or what sadness is.

I know my family love me and I know they care, I know I should be grateful for my luxurious life, but I just want a family who eats dinner together,

Watches movies whilst cramped up on one couch.

Maybe I wouldn't need their attention if they just let me attend school.

I am home schooled by a man who's name is no importance, I see him once a day for 5 hours.

Not that I learn anything from him, his voice is too boring for me not to zone out to.

When I try initiate any other form of conversation, I am shut down and told that he is not my friend but a role model.

Speaking of friends: I have none. All the people around me are adults who don't want to speak or play with a child, or moody teenagers who think

They are too cool to associate with me.

Since I am forbidden to go outside where other children play, I usually just play in the gardens or my room.

Maybe Dad will want to play with me? Yeah, it's worth a try! I still have hope everytime I ask to play although there is always only one answer.

So, I happily skip to my father's office, where he is most of the day, if he's not bonding with Wilbur, training with Technoblade or being cheesy with my mother, Kristen.

I stopped when I was Infront of a humangous white door, at the end of the long passage.

I take my small hand and crunch it into a fist, knocking slowly.

"WHO IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! I THOUGHT I TOLD ALL MY SERVANTS THAT I WAS HAVING FAMILY TIME!" A voice shouted, an angry voice that belonged to my father.

He didn't scream at me often, but when he did, I'd make sure to never continue what I was doing before hand.

I heard three voices either telling him to calm down or that it was okay. Those voices belonged to My two older brothers, Wilbur and techno and my mother.

Family time? Why am I not there? Am I not apart of the family?

I thought they loved me? Well obviously they don't.

No, no they do love me! I'm their little sunshine!

I turned around and ran away from the door before it opened, I heard a faint voice call out my name before I run around the corner, out of sight.

I ran into the cold confines of my bedroom, I shut the door and locked it.

I look around my room, a red and white bed stood in the middle against my Grey walls, Some of my stuffed animals were placed on it.

I feel tears pool my eyes as I run to my bed, jumping on it.

Did they forget me? I guess I'm kind of forgettable!

No, no I am always bothering them! How could they not remember that I exist?

"Theuses!" A voice called out, bangs on my door closely following.

"Come on, it's me!" My father angrily growled out. "Theuses please open the door," My mother softly pleaded.

"Theuses you come out this door now, or else."

I tune out their voices, as I close my eyes and imagine the world of my own.

A world that's buzzing with people, that has fields of flowers with variety of coulers, friends that I can play and stirr trouble with.

A place where the air always smells like lavender, where horses run and dogs bark.

Most importantly, it's a place where my family and I enjoy each other's presence. Where there's a home that holds comfort and warmth within it's walls.

"Theuses, let me play you a song," Wilbur smiles, adjusting the guitar on his lap.

I nod and snuggle closer into my mother whoms lap I lay opon.

Techno sits next to Wilbur, a smile growing on his face as Wilbur starts to sing.

My father, who's next to my mother hums along the deep comforting voice.

I rest my eyes as I listen to my family.

The strings of a guitar. The voice of my wilby. The humming of my father. The crackling of the fire from the fireplace.

The rain from outside our home, hitting the ground over and over.

The sound of the wind gushing past the flowers of a field.

"My darling hurry up now I wouldn't want you too fall behind!" My mother giggles as she faces me, a hand covering her eyes as the sun gleams on her.

I run through the hundred flowers of lavender, letting my hand out to feel them hit on plants.

I wrap my arms around my mother, the material of her dress was soft. The dress was blue-green and had purple flowers on it.

"Hello my sunshine," My mother whispered in my ear. I bury my body further into the hug.

Birds chirping. My brothers practcing with swords. Wind gushing. A soft beating heart of my mother.

Smoke. I could smell smoke? I let go of my mother and started coughing, falling onto the ground, I looked up to see my mother slowly disintegrating into Grey smoke.

I turned around when I heard the screams of my father and brothers. They were also slowly disintegrating.

I let out a lewd scream when I felt excruciating pain in my legs.

Somethings wrong, somethings wrong, somethings wrong.

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