Almost Forgot!

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The Batiant:

Tommy's pov:

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Tommy's pov:

My expected spuabble with Marigold turned into a full on rage battle, Neither she or I took offense to each other's words as they just showed how much we cared for one another.

The battle of the Blondes (Because we both bear blonde hair), turned into the a war that lasted three damn hours.

She won, but only because I let her and not because she started throwing breadcrumbs at me, I am just lovely and compassionate like that.

Now, I walk towards the place that father John had said we must meet at, the entrance/Exit of our town.

I follow a dirt road that should lead me to my needed destination. I wear a long sleeved, white buttoned up blouse, a pear of denim jeans and torn up sneakers.

Marigold gave me a soft black jacket that I tied around my hips.

The jacket belonged to her grandson, whom left her behind with his family when Father John appeared, Mari wanted to go aswell but she couldn't as her son refused

to take her long since apparently according to him, she was to difficult to take care of.

Its understandable, at least to Marigold but I personally cannot wrap my head around the fact that you would abandon such a sweet

woman. To be fair I don't know how she treated them, but from the way the old lady treats me, I could never bring myself to withdraw myself.

But I am my own person. Everyone thinks differently.

I continue on my walk with the winter air breezing through my hair causing goosebumps to form all around my body.

The sky is grey and black, no sun to be seen. Maybe a thunderstorm will brew before we even get to the bus stop.

The thought of rain excites me, it's a rare sight to see even the faintast of water drops from the sky, Majority of the time our land could be mistaken for a desert.

My eyes meet the ground, if Marigold saw how my posture currently is,  I believe she'd have a heart attack.

We have a few trees, though most of them are dead. Our grass is dead like many of our plants.

The grounds of our land have a mass of dirt, grouble and sand.

My head snaps forward when I hear a gate moving, a whole group of kids, all carrying large bags start moving out of the open gate.

I instantly break out in a sprint to catch up with the group before the wooden gates close.

You have to manually open and close it, so Two bulky men are currently slowly moving the gate into place.

"Wait, Wait for me!" I cry out with a shrill voice. The two men with caramel skin look up at me, stopping and seemingly heeding to my existence.

I couldn't hear anything, but I saw that Father was beconing the men to start moving the gate again.

They do, and much faster than last time. I run speedier than before, I near the gate as it nears it's stop.

Before I can reach it, unfortunately the barrier gets put in place and I am left stare in between the few spaces that the wooden planks aren't filling.

"Sorry, Tom but you were late," The aggravating voice that belongs to the man that is full of lies and hatred.

He continues to speak but I block him out as an idea forms in my head.

I can surely climb the spaces in the wood.

This could go horribly wrong as I have basically zero strength in my arms, I fault the selfish pig for that.

But there's nothing wrong with trying, and if I don't I fear Marigold will smother me with breadcrumbs in my sleep.

So I put my hand in the first whole. Then the second. Followed by the third. And by no time I am swinging my legs on the other side of the gateway.

Luckily, no one has noticed me on the top. The greasy cow is too infatuated in talking about what ever, and my classmates are all walking around in amazement or boredom.

Now here's my problem, how am I to get down without injury? I hadn't mapped that out as I didn't have high hopes of making it far.

Well shit, how the fuck-..... The brainless waste of space look like he could be a comfy landing.

I slowly and quietly lift myself, aim for the speaking man and jump.


There's a loud clatter as I land on the bacteria. He lays on the ground while I sit upon his chest.

He hit his head on the ground pretty hard.

Hes alive though, what a bummer.

Father John looks at me with confusion and hatred. I give him a sweet smile and kiss him on the forehead making an over dramatized "Muah,"

"You almost accidently forgot me," He tightens his lips together, "Yeah,"

"Oh don't cry, It's alright. I forgive you, everyone makes mistakes although you make alot more than the usual amount."

I place my hand on his cheek and gently slap his face a few times,

to show my forgiveness towards him, absolutely no other reason. I slowly gather my stuff which are scattered around him.

I hop off of him and put on my jacket. Standing upright with a beaming grin, I walk forward where all my classmates are.

They all wore dumbfounded expressions.

"Let us proceed," I speak with a posh tone, "Wouldn't want to be late, now would we?"

"If you don't have enough money for the bus, I swear you'll be left behind, and if miraculously you somehow were able to pay, then you'd also have

to pay for a place to stay, accommodation, food and eating out," The way he says it so smug, I hate it.

"First, Going to a restaurant and food, same thing. And second I believe I can pay,"

"Let me see," He holds out his hand, expecting me to hand over my money, does he think I am that dumb.

Ain't no way am I about to even touch that hand.

"You'll just have to believe me," He scowls as he retracts his dirty hand.

"Where'd you even you even get money?" He asks dusting himself off, and groaning in pain. Good I hope it hurt.

"A magician never reveals their secrets," I give him a wink, and continue walking onward.

"Where did you learn that phrase?" A distant voice calls out to me, I ignore it.

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