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Sunshines Garden:

Sunshines Garden:

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Tommy's pov:

I agreed to The Queens request of me staying for more time than I had planned.

I walked arm and arm with her towards the garden.

The silence was defeaning whilst we walked towards the special place that I was agreeing to go to instead of avoiding a beating.

Im not mad at the brunette woman, it is not her fault that I had a curfew. I'd rather not tell her that I would probably be getting the premium beating, VIP even.

She would feel guilt in her precious heart. Queen Kristen is a wonderful woman, I don't want to put that dread on her.

Though, everyone must beat kids like how father John beats, so if she finds out, her mind will still be a little at ease.

At this moment we lay down on the bright green grass, talking about anything that crosses our minds.

There is something that brings comfort from just existing in her presence.

She's like a mother figure.

Though I have known her for a very short time, Queen Kristen already treats me like her own. How sweet of her.

"So... " The Brunnete woman seems hesitatant to speak her mind.

"Where are your parents? They must be so worried," She asks me, slightly tilting her head of which lay on the ground, to look at me.

She seems pained at the fact that I have parents. Her voice breaking when she said the word itself.

She must know that a massive whopping is coming my way!

"Orphan," I spit out, not being able to pull together a proper scentence.

Her face turns from confusion to guilt or sadness..?

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you. No one should suffer a life of an orphan." She whispered softly, sitting up properly and staring at the grass.

Being an orphan really isn't that bad. Most people think it is, but really it is not all that sorry.

We have beatings and whippings. We get screamed at. Our water is cold as ice, causing many people to die from hyperthermia. Many of the children have also died from that death chill because of our thin blankets and clothes in the cold nights of winter.

Our winters in the Baitant are the coldest days a person will ever meet.

I have almost died of hyperthermia, I was out casted to sleep outside of the orphanage, unfortunately it was a snowy night. 

There are food bowls you have to pick for dinner, If you are allowed to eat that night, sometimes the bowls are filled with poison, either killing you immediately or making you wish it did.

So every night, at the dinner table, you have to choose whether or whether not you'll be eating that day.

It is a game. They like for us to have trust issues with food. It's the reason I can't look at food for too long. I'm scared of it.

Days where the nuns or priests are extremely bored, they choose a child to vote for another child, to be locked in a small room, where ones limbs can barely move and their chests can barely heave, for two weeks.

We call it the Purgatory hole.

That's why you can not trust anyone in the oprhange. You can't rely on anything. Not even water.

When we are allowed water, on special occasions when our caretakers are feeling a need for more excitement, they drug our water.

When you fall asleep or whatever happens to you, anyone can do anything to you. Anything.

It doesn't count as a sin as it is our faults for drinking such substances and being a distraction.

I am mostly aimed at when at when it comes to those nasty tricks. Even the other orphans do it to me. The drugs, food, the Purgatory hole and many more.

But every child has to experience those chain of events.

Its not like we aren't being stopped from having an education. Many people are deprived of having a proper teaching. Some even deprive themselves.

"The life of an orphan is just like the everyday life of others, just without parents." I explain to her in a soft voice.

She seems to ease more at my words. Her eyes coming back from the ground to meet mine.

"Tell me." The queen demands playfully. "Tell you what?" I ask, with a small smile, matching her playfulness.

"Tell me about the life of an orphan, I hope I don't sound to odd but I have always pondered if the movies are over dramatizing living in an orphanage or not,"

"Tell me what you want know about? You mustn't just let me tell you whatever," I say.

"Well, let's start with the biggest things about the movies, the punishments. Are they really that brutal."

I try to process what she said as quick as possible. She waits for me to put my answer together.

"Well, we get sent to a small room for a long while, which trust me feels like forever. We get sent to the palpating bastille, and for extra punishment we skip meal." I say.

She seemed pleasently surprised. The Queen must of expected much more strictness from the Epestate Orphanage.

"Aah, so normal punishments. The old sitting in a room rethinking your actions. My husband and I called our room the Reflection chamber. Though we never did make them skip their meals." The woman spoke with fondness.

"My boys always made it seem like they were sitting in a room for two years straight," I giggle at that. Sure two weeks is a long time but we made sure to never complain. We never wanted more time.

"how long did you put them in for?" I ask when the curiousity took over my well being.

"About Fifteen to thirty," I gasp at that, how could she put them in that room for that long.

I cut her off before she finishes her sentence, "weeks!" The Brunnete woman seems startled at my sudden outburst.

"No, no not weeks," I let out a sight of relief, "Minutes. Fifteen to thirty minutes."

"Such little time?" I question, my eyes now huge with new found shock.

She scoffs slightly, "How many minutes do they put you on there?"

"Well two weeks, so about ten thousand and eighty minutes, actually exactly that amount of time."

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