The Reveal.

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The Castle:

Tommy's pov:

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Tommy's pov:

"Your an orphan?" King Philza says with a shaky voice, like I had just single handedly forced his toes to hit the corner of a table with mind control.

"Yup." I awkwardly nod my head, biting my lips in an uncomfortable manner.

"I'm sorry but why did you call me here?" I question, getting impatient.

Now, I'm not someone with a thin patience, in fact if I had friends they would call me the most patient man ever! but I'm bored because I've been here for more than five minutes and I feel to awkward walking around. It's too much for a fourteen year with a small amount of resilience. Resilience not patience.

"Well the reason I called you is because I have something very important to share with you." King Philza spoke nervously.

No, really. I didn't know. I thought the reason I was called her was because I needed to watch an episode of my little pony! No shit, no fucking shit. I gasp Dramatically making everyone look at me, I feel a tad bit guilty that I was so sarcastic even though it was just in my mind.

The room fell into another pointless silence. This time I feel agitated, Just say it. Say what is so important that you decided to bring me to an office with your whole entire family.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise to stay calm and let me speak, don't interrupt me. Do you understand?" He asks in a commandimg voice. I nod, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.

"Dad, Just fucking start already!" Prince Wilbur snaps with the bravery and courage I wish I contained at this moment. He's a real one. He may be a lanky mother fucker, but he is one brave, lanky mother fucker.

Phil gave him a stare that indicates the words 'I'll talk to you later' before he sighed and continued to speak.

"Okay, when it was the day of the festival and I was talking on stage. Tommy, do you remember that all of us had starred at you. Just nod if you do." I nod recalling the events at he festival. Remembering how their eyes

didn't leave mine or at least me before they were supposed to leave the stage.  It felt like how a child would be  looking at me eating a sweet, I know they want it. It doesn't mean I'm giving it to them.

"Well we, We being my wife and two sons, all agreed that we felt pulled towards you,"

The words that the king was saying made me feel gratified in a way. I feel like I am somehow being justified. Maybe that's a problem from my past.

I wonder what he is going to tell me, but deep down I know what is going to be revealed to me. The depths of my heart has known for a long while.

"So Wilbur decided that he would go and talk to you, though in all honesty at the time we hadn't guessed you to be him, we were just curious,"

It's weird hearing someone call the Prince's name without the title of the very respectable man infront of his birth name.

Who's him? What's going on?

A voice that I had heard earlier this morning decided to speak up. You know what he is going to tell you. You've known about your real self since the moment you arrived here.
You are

The voice in my head gets cut off as Phil continues his very long and unnecessary explanation before the actual information.

"You had hit your head, causing your head to bleed and well there is no easy way to say this but Wilbur had gotten an idea to swipe some of your blood,

As the image of you in real life made him have a thought that maybe you are," Instead of letting the King finish Prince Wilbur cuts him off.

"But not in a creepy way, I swear I didn't mean it to seem sinister," He pleads his case, looking me dead in the eye.
That's promising.

"Wilbur, remember I said no interrupting. It also includes you to." The blonde man gives the Brunnete man a demising stare.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. So we had tested the blood that Wilbur had given to us, the results had came back only a few hours after your meeting with my son."

They tested my blood?! What kinda fucking creeps are these people.

"That is the reason to why him and Technoblade went to go and retrieve you. Though when they had found you, apparently they had bruised the man who was talking with you.

I haven't learned of the full story yet, but that's not important at this moment," He can barely finish his sentence before I find myself breaking the rules that he had given

The whole room, which I am included in. Though since he's the one explaining it, he doesn't need to be silenced. Which to me is kinda unfair like who do you think you are? A king.

"What were the results? Wait, why are you even testing my blood. This whole thing is so weird. I swear to god that I don't have HIV," I say with the speed of lightning, the words involuntarily rushing out of my lips, though another sip of that delicious hot chocolate would shut me up.

"Well the results came in and your my lost son Theuses, also don't worry you don't have HIV... at least I think so, actually I'm not so certain, I'll check again." He says skimming over the first thing he said a bit too fast.

There is a long and dense silence. I hold my breath as I feel the family, well my family, no I think that's to early to say that. Staring at me like I'm their lost son, which I am.

The silence is getting to tense, it's to the point where I am going to have to say the first thing that comes to mind, I'm probably going to regret it though. Yeehaw.

"Yeehaw," I say. The four people who were once staring at me in pitty now staring at me in confusion.

"P- Pardon me?" Prince Technoblade stutters out, with a questioning pitch.

"What is sex?" I spit out again, not being able to hold myself back, before you judge me, just remember that everyone copes in a different way.

Since I am such a big man, the way I reacted should be greatly respected because I only did it out of manliness.

"I don't think that's an appropriate topic right now sweetie." Queen Kristen/ My supposed mother says in a sweet voice.

"Why? I would've known what sex was but two tall people intervened," I say with my voice slightly cracking.

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