Take My Money!

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Parpalim hotel:

Parpalim hotel:

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Tommy's pov:

My room is the most expensive area I have even breathed in. It has this huge bed that was my bed, but three times over.

It even had it's own bathroom, with a shower.

In the Batiant you don't have fancy sprinklers, you have to sit in a small wooden box with freezing cold water and make due.

I though it was a myth, but when I turned the weird thingy magicy towards the red square, the water was.... Warm.

Now if that isn't the greatest invention in the whole of humankind I don't know what is.

Other then that moving box, I think they call it an elendator? It went so fast.

Though the bed is comfortable nothing can stop my recurring nightmares, they've gotten worse, and I think I might be going crazy.

I have been in this haven for about four days, and I have met a bunch of lovely people.

A warm-hearted woman who's a florist and even owns the shop that she works at. Her name is Hannah Rose, Ironic that her surname is a flower!

She's so magnanimous that her hands, right in front of me, had picked up some different colored flowers, and starting crafting them all together.

Only when she placed the circular bouquet of flowers did I realize that she had constructed me a flower crown.

I thanked her, and tried to pay the florist but she denied and said something about a heart as pure and warn as mine should never have to worry about expenses.

Though, obviously overstated, I thought it was a sweet gesture.

Father John and the others didn't get any free flower crowns though, probably because they had not smiled at her once.

A young man, Badboyhalo but he prefers bad, gifted me a free blanket with flowers knitted on, and a pulchritudinous blue blouse with

no decoration (He owned the clothing store) after I told him that his husband was fucking cool (He doesn't like swearing much), I mean who wouldn't think he was cool.

The Brunnete had diamands basically everywhere! Diamond bracelets on his wrists and anckles, and a diamand  necklace on his neck.

Even diamand earings.

Bad stated that the other people who had just came in had given him shit about being gay.

I was hesitant to tell him that I came here with those people. I told him that they hated me and I hated them so the tension between us was cleared.

And even he refused for me to give him money.

And that happened over and over again.

With Sam, jack, Tina, George, fundy, Eret, karl and a random homeless man who came up to me and without my permission, lay a necklace with a thin string and a tiny metal ladybug on it.

His name is Dream, he looks a homeless teletubby, he wore a creepy porcelain white mask, with a smiley face.

I tried to give him some money but he declined and at that point I was done with life.

Does no one want my filthy money or something? Like what the fuck did I do to deserve all this free stuff, are they planning to kill me?

Did the word get around that my money was gathering dust for more than 20 years in an old ladies cupboard?

Money is money goddammit! I mean it was truely fun at first but now Im just sad that no one will accept my money.

Now, it's personal. At this moment I sit at the end of a long table of a restaurant-café type of building.

I went outside and played with a kid my age, who was all alone and jumping around with bees

I enjoy Tubbos company and we played for long hours. Until I was dragged back into the food place by father John as I was fraternizing with

The enemy. He keeps saying that, Father John has been even more unbearable during this trip, hes just

ultra pissed that I keep getting free stuff and he has too pay for it, times

But now, I am absulately certain my meal won't be free of charge as I haven't socialized with any of the waiters, owners or homeless people yet.

I am triumph, no lord can set me down, I will pay my debt and justice will be served.

John tells the waitress with light pink hair that he wants the two bills separate, one for me and the other for the whole table.

She was confused at first then an expression of sadness was then worn on her face.

She went to go get the bill and came back with whom I can only assume is the manager, he had Brunnete hair and brown eyes, he looks similar to the tubbo kid. Weird.

"Waits your names blonde boy?" He asks me looking, "My name is Thomas the greatest man alive, but I go by Tommy for short."

The man, and the lady with really silky looking hair chuckles a bit.

"Well my name is schlatt and this is my daughter Niki, you know the boy you were playing with?" He asks, and I nod.

"Well that's my brother," The Pinkette said with a grin on her face.

"No one plays with my boy and you've made him so happy today, so as a thankyou, you won't have to pay for your meal tonight!"


"Nuh ah," I reply, "You don't have a choice, who ever shows my little bro kindness should have all the best."

A Tall ass dude with two split hair colors said that one.

"Is there something wrong with my money pleasssseee take it!" I beg almost falling to my knees.

"You are one odd child." They all say in unison, their voices blending together as they all disappear into the a room for employees only.

"Why do you get all your stuff free, how do these people like you," Msrij said with her agitating voice.

"I. Don't. Know!"

You may have won the battle, multiple times, but I will win the war. Everyone and I mean everyone will come crawling back begging for my money.

I think as I crawl in bed, with marigolds jacket on me and a thick white cover with the blanket Bad gave me ontop.

But now I need to ready myself as tommorow is the festival that we came here for.

Its also my birthday tommorow which is a huge coincidence.

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