Dancing Stars

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The streets of Alvorado:

Tommy's pov:

I walk through the streets of Alvorado, usually I would be admiring the cities beauty but unfortunately I have something

new on my mind at this moment.
I'm theuses.

The information had been revealed to me about five hours ago. My mother had told me to go and take a walk around the castle so I could process it properly.

And that's what I did, but walking around those halls brought back such horrific and heart wrenching memories, that I just couldn't bare to stay in the castle much longer.

Usually when I had these flashbacks, I would just be able to ignore them, however there was an empty void

in my heart because knowing that I am not just making up stories, but it actually has happened to me.

The burning feeling caused by the power of fire. The screaming. The blood. The night that I was taken.

A memory that is true, the pain and fear I felt was not made up.

The lonely walks. The darkness of the nights and the silence only being interrupted by a few crickets making their sounds.

Watching a family on television wishing that that family was mine. Hugging stuffed animals imagining them as a human person that would be there for me, like my family once was.

It is all real. I can't escape reality anymore stating that I am just making up the memories and blaming it on the fact that I just want to feel special.

I sniffed slightly as my bare feet hit the road made by of cobblestone, wiping some of my tears away from my eyes and slightly tilting my head so no more could be let go away. I can't let anyone know that I am crying, I'm a big man. I don't cry.

But that's a lie. I do cry. I want to cry. I want to ball my eyes out until they are no more. I want to scream and throw glass so it can break into a million little pieces, just like how my heart was when I was seven, how it is right now.

I understand that it's bad to pity and feel sorry for yourself, but remembering the thoughts that my mind had created for myself back then, it is heartbreaking.

Though I do feel an atrocious amount of guilt that I had left the castle. But my new found family never actually specified where I was allowed to go and not go.

Even if they did try and restrict the places I am allowed to go, I wouldn't obey the rules. They didn't own me, they abandoned me. They made me miserable, they made me hate myself, they made me hate life itself.

I feel angry. Angry of how they treated me before. I feel sad. Sad about the fact that I have wasted several years of my life, thinking that I had no family in this cruel world, believing that they had given me up.

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