Empty Seat!

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The desert:

Tommys pov:

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Tommys pov:

I am glad that I packed water as walking in the hot sun, through a place with nothing other than miles and miles of sand, believe it or not, gets me thirsty.

Most of my slow-witted classmates did not pack any water, or enough at least.

I didn't let them see that I had some, they would surely rob me of it.

The walk to the towards the bus station where the bus was apparently going to be, was uneventful disregarding the time when a big fluffy animal chased my entire class down.

But oddly enough the brown furred beast was quite friendly to me.

As hard as I tried I couldn't rack my brain on what type of animal he was but I know its a he, I got a sneak peak.

I named him, fluffy cause he had the biggest fur coat I had ever seen.

Although, great company and helped with my loneliness of this boresome trip, I told him to go because I heard everyone coming back. (I found it peculiar that he had listened to my command)

I didn't want big fluffy to be malled by an army of wild and inadequate beasts, no one should ever experience such death.

Its been around eight hours since we headed out, and let me inform you that I am delighted to look at my classmates hunch over and pant as though they have never stopped walking a day in their life.

Not to brag, but I, the greatest and biggest man of all time, am quite fit because of thorough training.

The training being me running away from the townsman and or teachers all day. Once I was chased for four long hours.

I didn't do much other than tell them that Father John was a poltroon and nothing but a simple waste of oxygen.

I am guessing that was the thing that set them off, but I guess I'll never properly know.

I am sure it was embarrassing, not being able to catch a thirteen year old scrawny boy, with no upper strength where is, the middle aged man who persued me was double my height and Four times my weight.

I almost dropped dead as relief takes over my body like the devil probably took over the fuck face posing as a man named John.

There, a bus stood high in all its glory, I jumped and was inches away from bursting in tears.

It seems as though I wasn't the only person with the feeling as I turned around and saw kids falling to the ground and sobbing.

Maybe I had the normal reaction....?

Father John made us all line up to get onto the bus, he made sure, infact insisted that I was to be last.

He also made a big fus for me to be behind him, strange....

But I was to indulged by the joy of not having to stand much longer that I ignored is out of the ordinary actions.

First the two teachers that volunteered  went in, then one by one the students marched themselves in.

After what felt like forever it was my turn to come in, when I looked at the seats, every single one was full except one.

I started walking towards the seat, I felt a hand stop me.

"That's my seat," Father John said, he smiled at me like a bitch, actually not like, he is one but add the word little, he's no big bitch, he's one little bitch.

The brainless waste of space went to go sit in the empty seat, leaving me with no place to rest my ass.

"Guess you will just have to wait for the next bus to arrive, oh and when we get home, I will make sure to punish that old lady friend of yours.

I know she was somehow involved in your miraculous discovery in the money."

"Hey Little blonde boy!" A voice of a man calls out.

I turn my head to locate the voice, It was the bus driver who had called out to me.

"Yes, I understand, I will leave," I start to walk to where the exit of the bus is, head down, my back facing all of the passengers.

"No, what I was going to say is that there is an empty seat next to me that you can sit on,"

I put on the brightest smile, slowly turning my head in the direction of father John, without moving my body.

Still making eye contact, still containing the brightest smile, and tilting my head slightly, in the most sarcastic way possible, I respond to

The man, "Thankyou so much, that would be lovely," Before Father John could say anything I run to the seat next to the man that somehow went unnoticed by me, and took my right

full place. "Okay everyone, This bus is set to go to Alvorado, So if you don't plan to go there please get off,"

He pushes a green button and the two glass doors close, BY ITSELVES!

"When we get there you will pay 400 Dollars per person to get off the vehicle, if you can not afford that, or God forbid, you are even one dollar short

then you ain' gettin' off and Im drivin' you in the police station in replacement,"

I try to suppress a squeal when he turns on the car, I could hear the sound of a motor turning on.

I don't ever remember being in a car before, in The Batiant there is no cars allowed accept for the truck that delivers food, and Father John's

exceedingly amount of cars.

The car starts moving, and the whole bus is quiet as we all settle down, and we all try to adjust to the sudden speed.

"But, I am the adult and the prophet of the lord, I should be able to sit in the front," Father John says.

The driver looks stunned for a few seconds before he replies.

"I don' give an actual fuck," He says it slowly making his response much funnier than needed.

"You are going to hell for defying the words of the prophet, you will suffer a painful eternity," Father John's words make my body shrivel up and gag at amount of cringe this man has just spewed.

He looks like a little baby threatening a man, who even sitting down looks much bigger than him.

Father John is about 5'9, and I am (keep in mind short kings are a thing and there's nothing wrong with being short) 5'4.

A nurse at the Epestate Orphanage told me that I wasn't going to grow anymore because of the lack of nutrition I consume.

"Did the lord tell ya 'at aswell?"

"How dar-" His raging voice gets cut if when two pieces of black plastic gets shut together, isolating me and the driver away from the rest.

"Does he ever shu' up?"

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