Don't Cry.

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The Alvorado Castle:

The Alvorado Castle:

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Tommy's pov:

"Pardon me? I believe I heard you wrong, I heard two weeks." The dumbfounded woman spoke.

"Oh yes. You heard correct." I reply, reasurring Queen Kristen that she had indeed heard correct the first time.

"But it was on and off, right?" The woman asks me, in a pleading voice. The Brunnetes tone makes me feel as though she is almost begging me to answer her question with a yes. But that would be lying.

"No. A straight two weeks, there are no breaks involved," Kirsten didn't seem pleased with this answer.

"Actually most of the times it isn't even for a punishment. They'll get other kids to choose. Just to cause some trust issues in the region so the kids can't plot against them." I offer the small piece of information to the Queen, in hopes that it would make her feel better.

It doesn't. I don't understand why. Most people at the Batiant are quite happy to know that.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you told me what the Palpating Bastille is? I just assumed it was the destination of where you had your time out," Queen Kirsten speaks with a shaky voice.

I slightly giggle at her mess up. Though I couldn't blame her as many people have different names for their chambers.

It was a complete change in conversation, we were talking about the time we spent in time out, the randomness of the question caught me off gaurd. But who cares. That's how conversations start, with a new subject.

"No, no! We call that the Purgatory Hole." I respond smiling a bit, though the Brunnete sitting beside me, her posture straight and her face full of solemnity, didn't find it amusing at all.

"What's the Palpatating Bastille?" She manages to force our of her lips.

Usually when someone asks me to share about my life (since I'm not talked to and asked questions often) I will immediately proceed to rattle on.

Though the severity and extremity in the tone of the woman's voice petrified me into silence.

"Tell me." The soft and gentle way of speaking was thrown into a basketbal hoop and got dunked on because there was none of that anymore.

I didn't speak. I wanna go. I don't be here anymore.

There is an ache in my chest and a certain feeling in my stomach that makes me nauseous.

I know this feeling before, I've had it many times.

"Thomas, You better fucking tell me where Marlin went or I swear to the lord above you'll never live it down," The nun screams at me. Marlin was a kid at my school, he was friendly and talked to me but not enough for us to be considered friends. A few days prior to this incident, Marlin had just randomly approached me like as he did every Sunday. He had told me about his plans about running away, how he was doing it, when and where he was going. He had told me that the reason he trusted me with the information was because he knew I would never tell anyone, no matter what happened to me. Marlin gave me specific instructions to inform his grandfather of his reasons on why he was leaving. Though Marlin forbid me to tell the old man where his only grandson was headed. Unfortunately the church had found about my involvement and this is why we are here now. The dread and nausea in my stomach is something I cannot begin to explain. After I hadn't said anything I was left to be in the Purgatory for a month. When I got back I was told they executed the grandfather.

"Don't zone out on me." The woman who was currently bringing up traumatic flashbacks scolds.

I don't answer to her. We sit there in silence as I try not to let the tears pooling in my eyes fall.

Don't tell anyone this but I'm really sensitive. I don't like when anyone screams or says anything mean to me. It makes my heart burn.

Even something as small as someone accusing me of looking at their test would make my heart ache and my eyes water.

Queen Kristen notices the tears in my eyes practically begging to be let out of captive.

Her expressions soften as she scoots closer to me, within arms reach. "I'm sorry for talking you that way."

I nod slightly, acknowledging her words. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me, pulling our bodies close together.

Since I'm such a big man, I let her hug me and rub circles on my back, the reasoning being that I know she needs a hug. That's definitely the only reason.

I definitely didn't immediately melt into her hug like I was a piece of paper thrown into a fire. No, no. That doesn't sound like me.

The Queen and I stayed in that uncomfortable (I definitely didn't almost cry even more when she pulled away) position for a few minutes before we were interrupted

by Prince Wilbur and Technoblade saying that the King wanted to have a meeting in his office with all five of us.

We four approached King Philzas office as though we were a squad of preachers readying ourselves to force our victim to believe our beliefs.

The king let us in his office and after we had all sat down, The blonde man had ordered some drinks for all of us.

Which bring us to now, me and the family of four are sitting waiting for the drinks to arrive in a tense silence.

What was the tune to that song. There must be something in the water. No, no. That's not it. Why is prince Wilbur wearing socks thatbhave the words 'Hello kitty' On them? What even is a hello kitty.

My zoning out is stripped away from me when a man wearing a light blue and white uniform enters the room carrying a tray with five mugs on it.

He hands each of us a mug and leaves the room.

I look at my hot and steaming cup of weird looking colored water.

"Whats this?" I question, destroying the current silence that was occurring just a few moments ago.

"Hot chocolate. Most children like hot chocolate so I ordered it." King Philza responded to my quite abrupt question.

"Whats chocolate? I know what hot is but that other word is non existent to me," I completely buter the pronunciation of the word.

Everyone gasps excluding me.

"They don't give you chocolate in your orphanage?" The woman who sits beside the king quires.

Everyone gasps again excluding Kristen. I only gasped because I didn't want to feel left out.

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