Skin Of Innocence

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The Alvorado Castle:

The Alvorado Castle:

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Theuses pov:

I immediately sit up after waking up from the horrible dream. Usually after waking up from a nightmare all the pain you were feeling would stop, right?

That wasn't the case for me, as I continued to scream in pain, fire was spreading everywhere in my room.

My bed had caught fire, leaving me to burn with it. I quickly jump off the bed, and run to the only spot that hasn't been touched by the raging fire.

Luckily that spot was right near my closet, i quickly took off my clothes.

I looked down at my bare body, some skin had come off and was on the clothes. I had blood dripping down my thighs, dripping down onto the floor.

I opened my closets door and grabbed the first clothes my hands could reach.

The shirt has red sleeves and a white middle, and were Blue shorts. Not a very good mix of clothing but I only had a little amount of time.

My eyes follow the fire, cackling and growing, it's orange and red coulors take over the room.

I covered my face in the material of my shirt, trying to stop myself from breathing in the smoke.

How was I too get out of this? The door was all the way on the other side of the room, and an angry fire stood between me and my freedom.

Come on theuses, you can do this! You will be alright when you step out of the door, it's better than staying here.

Clenching my lips together, I ready myself and run. Through the scorching fire to my only hope.

My skin throbs and aches after i reached the door. But I was determined, hope flashed through my face as I lifted both of my arms.

I quickly turn the key around and placed my hand on the handle.

A sizzling sound made me pull back my hand in horror, the door handle had my skin glued onto it.

I looked at the palm of my hand and saw no skin. Only blood. I screeched and tumbled backwards, my head hitting the hard wooden floor.

I held my hand and pressed it into my shirt, trying to make the throbbing dissappear.

My wooden door suddenly slammed open, revealing a man with a handgun in his gloved hand, a black mask over his face and eyes full of lust.

"Well hello there Mr Theuses." The man edges closer to me, grabs me and throws me over his shoulder as though I am a blanket.

He walks out of the door and my ears immediately start ringing.

I looked around, there was blood everywhere, fire everywhere. People were being dragged by strange men in all black.

Screaming and crying, begging and pleading. Gunshots whizzing past me.

I feel my vision blur, the ringing in my ears gets louder and my head gets dizzier.

It feels like a scene from a movie or book. My eyes grew heavier as my lungs get filled with smoke.

"Theuses!" I will myself to lift my head, there at the end of the hall was my mother.

She wore an expression of dread and horror, just as the Brunnete opened her mouth to speak again, a blade was shoved through her stomach.

The man behind her, towered over the small, petite body. Her mouth spewing blood as she drops to the floor.

The man behind her casually walks away, stepping on her to get on the other side of the hallway where he dissappears.

"MOMMY!" I scream, tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Shut up will you!" The man carrying me demands, squeezing me tighter to make a point.

He continues to walk until we are out of the castle, outside of the walls and now we are in a place filled with trees and grass.

Though after fifteen minutes of walking, we arrived at a dirt road where a white furred horse was waiting.

Why is there just a horse there? Was he planning on taking me?

Where is wilby and Techie?

Time is going painfully slow, the tension between the man and me makes me want to go back into the fire.

My position on the horse is uncomfortable and makes my burns ache.

I let out quiet sobs each time we hit a bump or when the horse goes to fast.

I look forward to see that we were edging near a beach, where there was a large ship in the water with large men aboard.

There was a print of letters on the material, it had spelt out 'Ωκεανία', I can only assume that it is the name of the ship.

Before the horses hooves even touch the sand, the man pulls on the rope, forcing the white-Mained animal to come to an abrupt stop.

The mysterious man (who through our time together earned the name Herence for no particular reason) picks me up, grabs my hand and drags me all the way to the boat.

"Ey, Ricky what do we have here, mate?" A bald man, with chocolate skin and an Australian accent quired.

"Derron, don't be a fool, use your brain, I know it's deep down in there although tiny. First of all we planned to take him and second of all he is Prince Theuses, we've all seen him,"

Derron scoffs at the man, his jaw clenches and he takes a deep breath in, " It was supposed to scare the kid, dumbass,"

"Let's just get the kid on the boat, and go as fast as possible," A feminine voice states, her finger tapping on her arm repeatedly.

I hadn't seen her before as she was hidden behind the group. Although she had a short figure, the herd of men seem to respect her.

"Fine, let's get on,"

We'd been on the ship for quite a while, at least six days.

The first two days my arms, legs and feet were bound but by the third they were forgotten.

The brown haired women, whom I'd learnt was captain puffy, bandaged my burns and force fed me horrendously tasting medicine.

The anger of the sea gets worse and worse each day, it almost tipped the whole boat over the other night!

I haven't been informed on where they are taking me, most of them refuse to even look at me.

The man who took me away from my family didn't got on the boat with the rest of us, he remained on shore.

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