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The Alvorado Streets:

The Alvorado Streets:

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Tommy's pov:

Talking with The Prince for even a few a minutes was phenomenal, not going to lie, I am generally going to use the fact that the literal Prince came to talk to me.

Everyone in town only worships three things, God, the ass goblin of a fake prophet and the royals.

In the church I am sure they have all of their pictures on every wall, I'm not allowed in the church.

Those reasons aren't to be revealed, Let's just say it involves a whole lot of "unholiness".

We learn about them in history, English, geography and somehow they manage to slink it in there in Math.

For example on how they mentioned them, "This angle is what we call a revolution, you know who fought against a revolution,"

I only ever listened and wondered, never knowing their names, nor what they look like.

Prince Wilbur was very pleasant, his humor matched mine. Though the sound of cameras clicking was making me nervous, he noticed that.

He had demanded that everyone deleted all their videos they had of me, as I was uncomfortable.

Everyone did so, at least I hope they did. Even if they didn't, the brunette had threatened that if he saw anything on me on Instagram, Tiktok,

Facebook or Twitter (That part confused me, what was a face book?
What is a Tick tock, am I deranged?)

he would make sure that the culprit would get their deserved punishment for recording a child.

I tried to fight with him that I wasn't a child, I'm a big man, with lots of women at my side, and many others begging to be in their place.

Though, I have never had any interest on anyone. I've had a minor crush here and there, but I don't really know if I fancied them or just liked them as a nice person.

I tried to ask someone about my feeling, my mistake was to question someone at the church, a nun.

She told me it was disgusting that I could even consider taking a liking to the same sex as mine.

One thing led to another, then a leopard was involved, how was I supposed to know Big Betty had a need for vengeance?

That's how I get banned from the church. I wasn't supposed to tell you that.

The prince, unfortunately had to leave as he had many people to shake hands with.

But I think the real reasoning to why he left is because I asked why he had came up to me, he steered away from that.

Now, I'm here, sitting on the sidewalk with the homeless man I had thought I dominated, eating dinner with him.

After the prince had left, he woke up. The cameras didn't wake him up. The hussling of peope around him didn't wake him up. No, the fact that I stepped on one leaf, woke him up.

He saw the blanket, money and bracelet, he after I rejected the money so many times, took me to one of the food stands at the edges of the festival, and bought me some.

It was non- consensual as he emphatically carried me from the stand back to his sleeping place.

Dream also had to initially force feed me, but now I am able enough to eat.

I flinch as I feel an ache at the back of my head, There was a few bandages wrapped around my entire head.

An old man had seen the state I was in and brought me some medical supplies, his name was Heldon.

Apparently he was brother to Seldon! Isn't it just so odd that I meet Seldon's brother.

When I tried to talk more about Seldon whilst the man was wrapping me up, Heldon stopped me and told me that Seldon wasn't a good person, that his family doesn't speak of him.

I think Heldons a bit coo coo, he kept on mumbling on and on about his brother.

The man looked to be about Fifty, he was short (Nothing wrong with that), but had a strong build.

He was also quite aggressive with me, when him and I were alone, Dream was getting water from the taps of the street so we could quench our thirst.

The man with a head that had way to many empty patches without hair, had even pinned me to a wall and strangled me.

The homeless teletubby came just in time, my face was turning blue and his fingers were digging deep into my skin.

Dream takled the man, and he was on his way.

Other then the tiny inconvenience, I liked him.

"So how old are you," The man with the creepy white mask asked.

"Thirte-, Fourteen! I am now Fourteen as of today," I respond back proudly, with a smile showing my dimples.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-five," That's a cool age, "Damn You're old," He just nods in response.

"Are you single?" He asks. I find it a weird question, but a question is something to be answered.

"Yup, I'm a single Pringle, though I am beyond doubt that I am too young to be dating someone!" I explain happily.

"You are never to young to be inlove, or to be in a Realationship, age gaps don't matter anyway."

When was age gaps mentioned? Maybe he just wants start a new conversation.

"Do you know what sex is?"

"I have an idea of the subject, so yes, though I don't like to ask questions about it," I asnwer innocently.

I knew about sex, and how it worked, what the result of it was, I just didn't indulge myself in it.

Though my knowledge of it is very vague, all I know is that when two people love eachother, they decide they want to show that, and hop into bed. Result= Bebe.

That's all my knowledge extends to. I don't know if it's good, bad, why they do it, how did someone find out that is how to make a fetus. I've been left in the dark.

"Do you want me to show you?" He asks. That's so kind of him, but I can't take his generosity anymore, it will only make me feel more guilty.

"Oh no, you've been so kind to me, I would never take another thing from you!"

"I don't mind," Dream says sincerely. Some people are just too kind for this world.

He scouches until his body is fully touching mine, with no spaces between them.

"OK let's start by-," The blonde gets cut off by a punch meeting his jaw.


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