An End.

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The Alvorado castle :

The Alvorado castle :

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Tommy's pov:

I put my hand over my mouth and try my best to supress my giggles. I don't want to wake up the whole castle, maybe only half of it because I'm feeling generous.

I look over to Will, noticing his hands beconing me over. What is this rat doing? "Will, where are you taking me?" I beg, my heart not being able to take the mystery.

"Follow me and you'll find out, and if you ask me that question one more time, I swear you'll never be able to see it because your eyes will be gauged out," I roll my eyes at the man.

Today is the 25th of December, though many may recognize it as Christmas day. But all I want to do is go back to sleep, it's 6am after all.

And plus I never celebrate Christmas. Or maybe thats just a" The Batiant" thing? I question myself.

Its been eight months since my family and I were reunited after seven years of me being missing. Alot has happened since then, and I blame it all on that old man I sat next to. Though it's a good blame. If that even makes sense.

Its been hard trying to navigate what is normal or what is me just being a stupid Batiant boy.

The day I could properly feel the safe arms and warm love of my family is a bit blurry in my memory because I was quite dumbfounded after the news they told me.

But I'll tell you what happened to the best of my ability.

I don't recall falling asleep last night, nor do I remember when the old man had left. All I know is that I woke up to a bright blue colored bird picking at me with it's beak.

It had to have been about Six a.m maximum. After my initial panic of the very rude awakening, I had marched myself towards an odd looking café.

At this moment, I sit on an old and creaky wooden bench, watching cars roar past and tired people walking towards their destination.

I try to gather my thoughts and feelings. Though it's hard to do so when you don't understand them. I feel guilt about the fact that I left the castle even though the queen/My mother had told me to stay within the castle grounds.

Well actually and technically no one had really specified whether I wasn't allowed to leave the grounds or not. It was just heavily implied. At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself, to chip a bit away from the guilt.

Now I can see the roads are busy with cars and the sidewalk is swarming with people. Looking at the clock that is seated on the wall directly opposite to me, I have a small feeling that its 10 a.m.

Keep in mind that I know the time not because of the stupid looking bright orange clock (that hurts my eyes to look at) but because I am all powerful and wise.

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