The new home

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Finally you arrive at his place and it was beautiful big brick house covered with roses around it. You take you're stuff as he helped you with the bags as bobby walked straight in to get some food and water. 

You got in took of you're shoes and jacket and told him    

"wow this place is amazing" 

"thanks it's a bit old but it's my taste" as he gave a small smile and blushed of how you talked  about his home. 

You but you're bags down and walk around and look around while he smiled at you as you looked around. 

"this is too much to ask for" you told him.

"no I wanna help you accomplice you're dreams" he answered you with  a nice tone in his voice. 

"well I don't know if I'm gonna do music or art" you answered back a little unsure.

He show you the guest room and help you with you're bags to the room.

After that you sit down on the bed and take a breath after packing out.

"do you want something to drink, a glass of water?" Tom ask sweet.

"yeah I just need to get my breath and get to know the room" you smile.

He walk's out as you lie down in the bed. You never told him but you can't believe that you actually met Tom Hiddleston, and now you get to live with him. You get you're thoughts togheter and come out to the living room and come into a Tom reading a script with a cup of tea in his hand. 

You pick up you're glass and take a sip of the water and take a seat next to him and see the script.

"is it something important I'm looking at?" as you give a shy smile. 

"oh it's noting, it's an old script. I was just practicing my acting" 

"oki, can I see some of it?" you asked a little unsure if he wanted to give it away.

" yes of course" as he gave you the script.

You read trough it and you gave all you're feeling's into every word that was said. Tom sat next to  you mind-blow.

"where did you learn to act?!" he asked you shocked.

"nowhere this is my first script" you answered.

"that was amazing you are amazing! I mean-" he stopped.

"what?" you asked him with a small blush. 

He looked at you while you were reading the script and looked at all the books he had.

Shakespeare, the brother grim and a lot other author's. He walk over to you and ask 

"do you like reading?" 

you answer a little shyly "a little" 

"what did you read?" 

"eh fantasy, a little about human history and Second World War" as you breath nervously.

"interesting" as he studied you.

You gave him a nervous smile as he smiled back to you.

You eat dinner, take a evening walk with Tom and bobby then you got back and into bed.



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