You are sick

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You wake up and have a headache with a bad nose, but you still go to class. 

Tom see you and stop you then drag you into an empty room. 

"you have to go home to my house love you are sick" Tom tell you. 

"no I'm fine you while almost falling asleep" You try to answer him. 

"oki I'm driving you home and take a week off" he say then followed you to his car and got your books in your room then you both left. 

When you got carried all the way into the bed. 

"now you stay in bed miss. You need tea and soup" Tom commanded you while being concerned. 

"but I can't miss school" as you fall asleep in the guest room. 

When you wake up there is warm tea and warm soup there. Tom sit on the end of the bed. You see him and taste the tea. 

"how does it taste?" he ask you. 

"it taste good" you answer him. 

"good, now take a sip of the soup" he smile. 

"but you have to work" you tell him. 

"I know, and you need someone to look after you" he tell you.

"I work, but I work early then I come home to you" coming with a loving voice.

He did his normal stuff while you ate the soup, drank your tea and slept. He was out with bobby, he was reading , watched some tv and after that he made dinner for you and him. You barley got up and was a little dizzy around the dinner table with a blanket over you while eating the dinner. Tom look at you and feel bad for you.

"can I take the dinner to the guest room?" you asked him while feeling bad. 

"of course my love, I just want you to get better" 

You walked back to the guest room with the food in one hand while holding on your head with the other. 

"do you want a painkiller" he ask you as you walk get some water for you.

"yes that would be great" you tell him then cough.

You are in the bed with the food and try to eat some of the dinner as he come in with some water and more tea with hunny in it. 

"so what do you think of the dinner?" as gave you a small smile and didn't really care  about the food just you. 

"it taste good" as you barley have the strength to answer. 


You jump out of bed and get dressed, kiss Tom goodbye but forget that his the driver.

"wow y/n slow down, are you sure you are all healthy?"

"yes, you can check my forehead" as he does, you were good.  

He hold your waist and you give him a kiss as he kiss you back and push you to him while you kiss.

"oki now we have to go" he tell you with a smile. 


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