You're bad student

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You wake up get dressed and walk to class. The whole day went like normal, but last period was with Tom and you, it just felt weird. 

"hey y/n can you say hi from me" Sam tease you while you opened you're books. 

"Sam stop it" you told her. 

"so class today we gonna talk about atoms" while Tom drew a atom on the blackboard.

You just sat there and tried to listen, but it was Tom, your boyfriend and you just couldn't concentrate cuz you were lost in his eyes while trying to listen to the things he was talking about. You just listen to the students with the right answers and write the right answers down. You just didn't look at him and listened to the students while he talked. 

When the class was over Tom stopped you and wanted to talk with you.

"miss y/n could you stay for a minute" he ask polite. 

"yes sir" you answer as he close the door and check for cameras. There were no cameras there. 

He straight up kissed you and led you up to the wall with his feet then he lock the door and sneak his fingers into your pants as he whispered "you are my bad student from now on and I wanna see you after class every time you are done here" 

"yes sir" you moan. 

"that's my bad student" he whisper in your ear slowly as he make you cum in your pants. 

"your welcome darling" he whisper in your ear as he gives you a weak kiss and open the door then let you out of the room to continue your day. 

You walked with him in your head the rest of the day, even Sam couldn't get contact with you, you were lost in the moment with just you and Tom in that class room. It was so intense and sensual. The way he talked to you and touched you, it felt like you were back in his bed and the way he looked into your eyes was magical in that room. You missed the old life with him, with Bobby in his house. You love him and want to be with him and not be in this prison. 

You run out and find Tom before he leave back to the house and jump on him then kiss him right before he leave in the car. He hold you and kiss you back with his love for you. 

"i have to get home and take Bobby out" he smiled to you.

"oki, but can I come with you for some hours, just to get a break from this place" you ask. 

"oki fine get in" he giggle, then you got your bag with homework with you. 

You drive home as he take your hand and kiss it and keep his safe hands in yours on the whole way home. 

"was the moment in the classroom a little too much" he ask you. 

You start to squish his hand a little, but stay silent on the road and walk straight into the guest room. Tom saw the insecurity in your while you undressed your coat and shoes. You started to cry because you didn't know what to do between love and your dream. You love him, but you also wanted to follow your dream so you started to cry out of confusion. 

He let Bobby in and you cry in his fur while while hugging him and after a while you felt better and start to stroke and cuddle him. 

Later you come out and tell Tom "I want to stay here with you. Oh shit my homework" 

While you pick it up Tom gives you a small look look as if you belong in that school. 

"darling you love that school and I'm gonna stop ask to make out with you oki, I promise i am gonna let you go out like normal next time" he told you while you sat with your homework. 

"thank you, but it was kind of hot at the same time" you told him with a smirk. He sat down and held his hand around you and on on your waist while helping you. 

When you were done he looked into your eyes and slowly started to make out with you as a reward after the lay down on the couch and continue the make out session until you see that it starts to get late and you both see that you needed to get back so he drove you back and went down on you one last time in the parking lot and you enjoyed it like he took you to the perfect night. 

"see you tomorrow mr.Hiddleston" as you waved to him in a flirty way.  

"see you in the class miss y/n"

Then you walked happy back to your room smiling all the way to your room.  You came in and were closing the door with a smile on your face. 

"ohh... Something good happened when you were gone, but what did you do?"

"he worked and I did homework after that with him then maybe a little kissing" you smile. 

"emh.. It was more than just a little kissing" Sam smiled back. 

"oki we made out, but I had to get back here so he drove me back and went down on me at the parking lot" you smirked. 

"omg, you have to tell me about it" and before she knew it you were asleep.


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