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"You cannot be serious."

So much for staying out of eachother's way. Bakugou goes up to the stand and just hadddd to pull your name out of all of those paper slips. Good god.

And now you have to fight him. Until when? With how you've been feeling about him as of lately, you almost wish it was to the death. You sigh as he gives you his trademark snarky smirk, and walks back over to his group of people.

Shortly after, everyone finishes picking names out of the glass bowl and returns to their sides.

"Now that all of you have assigned opponents, Who volunteer's to start us off?" Cementoss says, moving the bowl and stand out of the way.

There's a brief moment of silence as all of the students look at their partner to assess if they're on the same page for wanting to go first or not, but someone breaks this silence;

"Lets see the new girl have a go."

You look to your right to see a boy with slick blond hair and ashy blue eyes emerge from the group of people on your side, giving you a deranged smile. You think his name is Monoma, or something like that.

oh...Monoma. You were warned about him.

"The notorious L/N, newest addition to the star class of U.A , girl with a villain-like quirk..." Monoma says, walking towards you. "I wonder, what makes you so special, huh? Getting into the top class a year late as a transfer student, a foreigner, at that? I want to see what makes you so worthy."

You were told not to let his antics get to you, and you can see why. He sure knows how to strike a nerve, talking to you like that. But nonetheless, you keep calm. He's almost in your face.

"Well, it's too bad our partner's are already chosen, because I would be overjoyed to show you first hand. Maybe next time, yeah? But sure." You say, breaking eye contact with the provocative mess of a boy and turning towards the left side of the gym.

"Bakugou. Lets go. Now."

"DON'T ORDER ME AROUND LIKE IM SOME GODDAMN DOG!! I'm coming." He barked. The two of you walk up to Cementoss to start off the sparring matches, and he put the two of you in position on opposite sides.

"Your goal is simple. Immobilize your opponent, or make them tap out..."

Suddenly, Cementoss plants his hands onto the ground, and the floor beneath you rises rapidly on both sides, shooting the two of you up into the air.

"...And try not to lose your balance."

You're caught completely off guard, but catch your balance while you're airborne. This type of training is new, very new. You look up at Bakugou, who has the same malicious grin on his face, just like back then. Some people never change.

The rest of 2-A and the class of 2-B watch with increasing anticipation as Bakugou charges towards you.

"Think you can defeat me with your little puppet tricks?! BRING IT ON!!"

Here goes nothing.

- - - -

"I wonder how Bakugou's gonna handle Y/N.." Uraraka says to Midoriya, while Bakugou charges head on into battle with you, using his explosions to propel himself forward.

"So do I." He replies. "Kacchan may as well be the only one who hasn't seen her in battle before, so despite his strength and confidence, he's at a disadvantage. If only he came out of his room during exams like I asked him to."

"Well regardless, I'm stoked to see her use her quirk again! It may be taboo, but its mad cool." Kaminari chimes in, with others around him giving nods of agreement. Everyone is eager to see how this plays out.

- - - -

Strategy. You need strategy.

No matter who you're fighting, the only way you'll be able to win is to paralyze him, or render him unable to use his quirk.

The easiest way to do this is to hit him with one of your needles, but he's fast. As he charges towards you, you quickly eject a set of sharp pin needles from your forearms, coated with the paralyzing venom of your Quirk. You analyze the distance and timing carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike. Bakugou's explosions create gusts of wind around him, making it challenging to get close. All you can do is dodge his ranged attacks until he closes the distance between you.

"What are you, scared?! Stop being pussy and fight back, dammit!" He taunts, his voice full with adrenaline. With that, he lunges towards you, his fist and gauntlet flying towards your face.

"I KNOW yo bitchass isn't talking!" You snap back, dodging his punch and jumping to the side. Then, you start firing the needles. He retreats, moving back to avoid getting hit. However, one grazes his arm. It slows him down for a moment, but doesn't paralyze him.

With agility, you keep dodging his explosions while the ground underneath you fluctuates due to Cementoss's quirk. You go for a leg kick to throw him off balance, but Bakugou stabilizes himself.

"Is this the best you can do?? I expected better from someone like you!" He shouts, relentless as ever. You've gotta give it to him, he's not one to back down, no matter what.

But you're not done yet. You know this boy, and you know his anger can cloud his judgment. Rushing to his right, you dart to his left, landing a punch to his side. You keep him on the defensive, preventing him from hurting you with his quirk.

As you continue to be difficult to take down, Bakugou grows frustrated. You've wore him down enough for an opening. You seize the moment for another needle strike, this time towards his waist. It connects.

He freezes, and falls to the floor.

"HA!!!" You exclaim victoriously. He wont be able to move anything for a good few minutes, but because you're the only one who really knows that, you decide to be a little extra and tie him up, creating a strong rope from your exposed stomach and bonding together his arms.

With that, you turn towards Monoma;

"Was that worthy enough for you?"

- - - -
After Cementoss returned the ground to its original state, Bakugou was untied and sat in a chair until he could move his body again. You, return to your side of the gym and get surrounded. First to come rushing to you is Midoriya, who has the facial expression of a child in a candy store.

"Y/N, THAT WAS AMAZING!! Your strength and quick reflexes are incredible! Oh, and your quirk!! You can make ropes too?! You've got to tell me more!" Midoriya rambles excitedly, proceeding to pull a notebook and pencil out of what seems like thin air, flipping to a blank page. Does he just keep that in his costume??

"Midoriya's right, that was killer! And the way you tied him up at the end?? So dope!" Kaminari adds, giving you his two thumbs up without the face he makes when he short circuits. You're receiving praise. Its nice, and really refreshing, compared to the usual reactions you get. Or maybe they're just happy that someone finally humbled Bakugou. Doesn't matter much to you.

"HEY!!" A booming voice calls out to you. Looks like somebody broke out of the paralysis. Bakugou stomps towards you, looking angry as ever. Probably embarrassed, too.

"Don't get too damn cocky cause you stuck a needle in my side. This'll be the first and last time you win against me!" He sneered, walking past you and not making eye contact, hands fisted at his sides. You laugh, his body language clearly indicating that he is in fact embarrassed.

"Don't count on it, Katsuki."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Language, Bakugou!" Cementoss scolds.

"Now, who's going next?"

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