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JULY 18.

Its been a month or two, and summer break has started. You're glad you get some time off of school and training, and you've been using your free time to self indulge and get to know some of your classmates better.

The class celebrated Midoriya's birthday a few days ago, you've been hanging out with friends, generally, you've been enjoying yourself. Everything is cool.

You're in your dorm, sitting in bed on your phone, music playing out of a speaker on your nightstand, when you get a call;

Its your mother. You answer the phone:

'Hello? Y/N?? Can you hear me??'

"Yeah ma, hey--"

'Y/N?? Can you hear m--'

"Yes, mom, I can hear you."

'Oh! Okay. Hi baby! How'ssss school going?? Must be great, since you haven't called your mother.'

"Its been pretty decent and busy, yeah. Sorry I haven't called."

'It's aight, but at least shoot me a text or something girl, damn. Anyways, i was calling to tell you about something. You remember Mrs.Mitsuki, right? The mother of that little boy you used to be friends with, Katsuki?? Well, you used to call him "Kat-chan" or some nickname like that.'


'Wellll, recently me and his mother got back in contact! We actually bumped into each other at the supermarket and ended up exchanging LINE accounts, and we've been talking ever since! Its been great. Any who, getting to my point; I've decided to make dinner at the house and invite her and her family over! And I was thinking you could come and bring Katsuki along with you! Mitsuki told me you guys go to school together.'


This cant be real.

"Oh! uhm, yeah, I can bring him."

You almost immediately regret saying that.

'Great! Dinner's gonna be tomorrow evening at 7, make sure you dress nice for the company--' Aren't you the company? '--I'm making your favorites!'

"Right. Um, alright, I'll go tell him now. Bye."

You hang up the phone, and fall back onto your pillow, groaning. What? Your mom is friends with his mom again? She's inviting everyone over for dinner?? Bring Katsuki??? You've barely spoken to him in weeks! This is insane.

It's not like you could've said no. As major as it was, you never told your parents about what happened between you and him before you moved to America years ago. To her, maybe even to all of them, the two of you are just as attached at the hip as you were during your childhood... so far from reality. With a defeated sigh, you get up and put on some house slippers, heading out your room.

Bakugou stays directly under you. You've became more conscious of the noise you make since being his upstairs neighbor, as he wont hesitate to come complain to you if you're disturbing him. Its resulted in some cat fights between you two. He's been leaving you alone as of lately though, so you guess that means you haven't been too loud. You head through your hall and to the elevator, descending to the second floor. You walk towards the door corresponding to yours on the floor above, a faint sound of music hitting your ears as you approach.

You knock.


You knock.


You knock aga--

The door flies open to reveal Bakugou, with his spiky front bangs tied up, a toothbrush sitting in the corner of his mouth, and some sort of skincare product on his face. His eyebrows furrowed upon laying his eyes on you.

"What." He says, voice booming even with the absence of volume. He glares down at you, like he was already growing more irritated with every second the interaction continued, despite him just opening the door a moment ago. The two of you awkwardly look at each-other until your mind snaps back to the matter at hand;

"Kats— Bakugou," You begin, ultimately deciding to ditch the informal because the two of you were not friends, "Look, my mom called, don't know if you remember her but— basically, she just called me to tell me that she's friends with your mom again and that she's making dinner and inviting your parents over..."

And with a huff, you get to the catch:
"...And she wants us to come. Together." You finish your sentence, making a sour face at the thought, looking away to show you have just as much distaste for the situation as he probably will.

And then out of your peripheral vision, you see him shut the door on you. Your eyes dart back forward in surprise.

"No." Bakugou declared opposite the closed door, his voice and footsteps getting further and further away from you. 


"No? The hell do you mean no?! You cant just—" you stop for a moment to collect yourself before you went off on him and all the audacity he had. "...There is no no. Our mothers are expecting us and I sure as hell'm not going on my own."

There's no response. You can only hear his music playing and sink water running.

"You know what?? Fine. I'm sure your mother will be very pleased to hear that her son skipped out on dinner." You say, raising your voice and emphasizing on certain parts, arms crossed. The water stops. You hear a bit of commotion and then footsteps towards the door.

It opens, and there he was again, that same glare, his hair no longer tied up, his skin clean and glowy, toothbrush absent from his mouth.

"What time." He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. You feel a wave of relief wash over you as he gives in, unwillingly as it was.

"Be ready by six pm tomorrow evening, and dress decently. ill come back to get you when its time to go."
you asserted, uncrossing your arms in a sense of victory. He gives you a unenthusiastic hum and shuts the door on you once more, ending the conversation.

You let out an exasperated sigh as you walk back towards your room, glad that the hardest part was over. At least you had until tomorrow till you had to deal with him again.


JULY 19.
5:45 PM.

You know how time moves 10x slower when you're looking forward to doing something?

Well, to you, it seems as though its the opposite when it's something you don't want to do. The day went by in a blip. Even though you literally had nothing to do all day, before you knew it, it was 4:30 and your mom was texting you photos and video clips of her cooking food.

So now, here you are, fifteen minutes until you need to be ready, finishing up your light makeup after taking an excruciating long time finding what to wear and how to do your hair. It was aggravating, and you wondered what was making you so indecisive about your appearance when you were just going to your parents house... Nonetheless, you found your outfit and got dressed;

It was cute, and perfectly in between, not showing too much (minus the inevitable assets..), not too tight, not too loose, not too formal, not too casual, and you wouldn't burn up since it usually cools down by the evening . Completely neutral and safe, and one less thing to worry about. You paired the two piece with some small wedge heels, and your favorite jewelry.

You look at yourself in your full body mirror after finishing your makeup, while spritzing yourself with perfume. You do the mandatory 360, looking at yourself from every angle and adjusting anything that needed adjusting. You did pretty good; you looked pretty good, and you hoped you didn't look too good.

You wondered how he was dressing...

You check the time on your phone to see that its 5:55. You quickly put your perfume down and go to put your things into your purse, grab your car keys, and then, for the second day in a row,  you walk out of your dorm, heading to your downstair neighbors room.

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