Chapter 7

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The path stretching before us seemed endless, and I dared not reveal my fatigue, knowing all too well the repercussions that awaited me if he deemed me inadequate. Throughout our adventure, silence ruled, with no words exchanged between us. I obediently trailed behind, uncertain of our destination, questioning my role as the supposed guide to the sanctuary.

After what seemed like an eternity of hiking, we finally ascended the towering Dueling Peaks. Exhaustion consumed every fiber of my being, causing my knees to buckle under the load of the burden I carried. I couldn't shake off the weight of my circumstances. I had willingly embarked on a perilous expedition with a mysterious and sinister stranger who constantly monitored my every move, ensuring my compliance.

Fortunately, our arrival at a relatively level rocky terrain granted us a temporary break. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the traveler unburdened himself from his gear and commenced the task of assembling an imitation of a shelter. I found a spot to rest, catching my breath after the demanding climb. Taking a sip from the flask I had brought, I was just about to secure its cap when the traveler abruptly snatched it from my grasp, hastily drinking its contents.

I watched in astonishment as he guzzled down the contents of my flask without a moment's hesitation. The audacity of his actions caught me off guard, and my initial surprise soon transformed into a mixture of frustration and intrigue. Before I could react, his defiant glare met my narrowed gaze as he tilted his head and flashed a sarcastic grin, his pearly whites contrasting with the ruggedness of his features. It was a brief second of amusement, quickly replaced by a stern expression that mirrored the weight of his journey.

"You certainly have an appetite for the unexpected," I remarked, my voice tinged with a touch of annoyance. "But I hope you realize that my provisions are limited."

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, a trace of satisfaction lingering on his lips. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, and my body is in dire need of sustenance."

Curiosity piqued within me as I tried to decipher the conflicting layers of his personality. There was a constant tug-of-war between his enigmatic charm and the darkness that seemed to seep from his very being, shrouding him in an ethereal cloak. His form was tall and lean, exuding an air of dangerous elegance. There was a certain otherworldly quality about him, as if he were a creature caught between the realms of light and darkness. It was a precarious balance, one that kept me on edge and intrigued all at once.

"What is your name?" I inquired cautiously, feeling an inexplicable urge to uncover the identity of the person who could potentially commit abominable acts, or so I speculated. Given his earlier manners, it wasn't entirely impossible.

"My name is Dark," he responded, his tone carrying a hint of indifference.

'How imaginative,' I mused silently. It was comparable to naming a pet dog "Dog."

"And yours?" he asked, the words rolling off his tongue with an air of nonchalance. Hesitation washed over me as I glanced around, contemplating whether to reveal my name. I had pledged honesty for the duration of our journey, yet an undeniable sense of insecurity lingered in his presence. I met his crimson orbs, my apprehension evident.

"Don't worry about it, I don't care anyways," he retorted dismissively. I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled within me. His dismissive response only fueled my uncertainty. But deep down, I knew that withholding my name would only amplify the air of secrecy between us. I abandoned the thought as Dark rose to his feet, his voice cutting through the air.

"I'm going to get some meat," he declared, his back turned to me as he made his way down the mountain. With a sense of self-reliance, I set about starting a fire, grateful for my survival skills. I had gathered tomatoes and Hylian mushrooms during our endless walk, tossing them onto the makeshift grill. The idea of adding a stambulb to the mix crossed my mind, prompting me to quickly rise and search for one nearby.

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