Chapter 17

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This was the worst possible scenario that could have unfolded. Dark found himself beaten to a pulp, unable to fight back against the relentless assault. With each agonizing breath, he replayed the last events. He had been so sure of himself, so confident in his abilities, and yet, it had all crumbled in an instant. He had underestimated his adversaries, and it had cost him dearly. But the agony of his physical injuries paled in comparison to the pain he felt at the realization that she had been taken away. The guilt of what could happen to her, the weight of his failure, crashed down on him like a tidal wave, and he could no longer contain his emotions.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly, consumed by self-hatred and guilt. His tears mingled with the blood that stained his face, a testament to the brutal beating he had endured. He cursed himself for being a magnet for trouble, for dragging an innocent bystander into this chaos by his side.

He reflected on the final conversation they had shared. As the last days had passed, he could gradually recall his nightmarish dreams, which were filled with a relentless barrage of vivid visions and tormenting voices. These voices, loud and overlapping, incessantly clamored for one thing: her death. It was as if an unseen force seized control of his body, subjecting his mind to excruciating anguish, seemingly with the intention of coercing a response. He had steadfastly resisted these sinister commands, yet every night they returned to torment him.

As she uncovered more about him, he had believed that ending their bond and creating distance between them would protect her from his sinister truths. He lamented his own rudeness and emotional detachment, which had kept him from accepting her support. For once, he had something positive, and he had to push it aside. He had experienced a unique sensation around her, perhaps it was a flicker of hope.

His thoughts then turned to their captors and leader, the one who had spoken of Ganondorf's relentless pursuit of him. Why had news of his absence reached the Yiga Clan? What could be driving Ganondorf's unyielding determination to reach out to him?

And what was the goddess statue's answer all about? It had left him more confused than anything else. Hearing his prayers, it shone and spoke : "Courage led the way, on the day it would cheat, wisdom would greet. Its will, tested, thrived to grace. Their strengths combined sealed obscurity to its fate." No hint regarding his sword, it had been a complete waste of time which inevitably brought them to danger. He should have never brought her along, and allowed her to live a peaceful life. No, instead, he had been selfish.

Amidst the overwhelming despair, a spark of determination flickered within him. He couldn't allow himself to wallow in self-pity, not now. He had to find a way out of this predicament, not only for his own sake but for hers as well.

Dark knew that time was of the essence. He had to regain his strength, both physically and mentally, in order to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Dark knew that escaping would be no easy task, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to find her and ensure that she would survive this ordeal.

The journey, although disorienting, felt long, filled with the sounds of footsteps, whispered commands, and the occasional shouting of the soldiers. It was evident that they were taken deep into an unknown territory, far away from the familiar lands of Hyrule.

Destined for Calamity (zelink)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora