Chapter 35

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The sight was devastating; my hands instinctively reached out for him, his unconscious state sending shockwaves through my senses. Immediate anguish covered me as he laid limp in my arms, prompting me to cradle his weakened form. Panic surged within me as I felt the weight of his lifelessness, and my voice, normally steady, caught in my throat. Desperation fueled my cries for help, each plea carrying the weight of an impending tragedy.

The distant echoes of my distress summoned a guard, whose hurried entrance mirrored the urgency of the situation. His eyes widened at the sight of Link's motionless body, and without wasting a moment, he rushed out, returning swiftly with reinforcements in tow. Among them, a medic emerged, her face etched with concern as she assessed the dire scene. As she began examining Link, I knelt beside them, my gaze fixed on his pale face, silently praying for any sign of life. Every passing second felt like an eternity, and tears blurred my vision as I clung to a sliver of hope.

My trembling voice cut through the chaotic atmosphere as I recounted the details of Link's injury, hinting at something unusual about this wound. The medic, absorbed in her examination, furrowed her brows at my description, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Her diagnosis, delivered with a heavy heart, confirmed the unfortunate presence of gloom within Link's gash, its tendrils weaving through his bloodstream, and perhaps even seeping into his soul, mixing with the very essence of his being.

Despite the grim prognosis, a small flicker of relief surged through me as she informed me that, miraculously, Link still drew breath. However, the depth of his injury loomed over us, a cruel reminder that time was a merciless adversary. With the assistance of the guards, Link's limp form was gently transferred to a nearby bed, the urgency in their movements reflecting the critical nature of the situation. The medic diligently set to work, administering various elixirs, carefully measuring each one, her hands moving with precision as they then tended to Link's grievous wound.

As the seconds turned into agonizing minutes, I found myself sitting nearby, unconsciously swaying back and forth, my arms instinctively wrapping around me in a feeble attempt to provide solace. My overwhelming helplessness gripped my soul, my gaze remaining fixed on Link, a silent plea echoing in my heart for him to defy the odds and awaken. The medic, recognizing my distress, offered words of reassurance that, against all odds, Link's condition was stable. Strangely, the gloom, though potent, had not claimed him, suggesting Link was able to resist it. My gaze remained fixed on him, unyielding amidst the activity surrounding him.

A hand, warm and comforting, gently settled on my shoulder. Startled, I turned to see Teba's serious expression. His silent presence spoke volumes, a shared understanding of the severity in Link's condition.

"Princess Zelda, could we talk in private for a moment?" Teba's voice cut through the tension in the room.

"Don't worry, Link is in good hands, with the best doctor in town," he added, his gaze following mine as he noticed my worried expression shifting back to Link. Taking a moment to observe his still form, I stood, silently accepting his invitation. We distanced ourselves in a corner of the room, Teba's expression solemn, bracing myself for whatever was to come. It was obvious he had some important matter to discuss, his measured tone hinting at a delicate subject.

"We've discovered some crucial information you should know about," he said, as I watched him attentively.

"While the guards were surveying the village grounds after yesterday's incident, a chasm was found... Upon further investigation, I believe this is the way in which the Yiga succeeded in entering the village," Teba explained urgently, his eyes holding an intensity that matched the depth of the revelation. I looked at him in disbelief, my mind conjuring a fleeting image of Link leaping into one of those ominous chasms. Without a doubt, an unexplainable certainty settled in my heart; Teba's theory was correct, and this was indeed a passage leading to the depths.

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