Chapter 28

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Link's departure had devastated me. As the guards surrounded me, grabbing at my arm, there was nothing else to do but watch him disappear in the night, my heart shattering. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably, a torrent of conflicting emotions overwhelming my senses, my cries falling on deaf ears. The guards, seemingly oblivious to my royal status, forcibly escorted me back into the castle with a cold indifference. In this harsh and unforgiving moment, I realized my title had never really meant anything. I was bound to follow the enigmatic orders of a hidden figure, an invisible force with ultimate control over my fate.

The sense of abandonment settled within me, every step I took feeling like a step further into captivity. There was nothing I related to here anymore, the only person that had made me feel like I belonged, the only person I had felt comfortable around, the only person that understood me had left. I couldn't understand why he would leave, as close as we had gotten. I thought together we made a team, an inseparable one.  Perhaps it was me who didn't want to understand the reasons behind his decision...

As I was dragged within the castle walls, I was met with Impa's disappointed gaze, her stern expression mirroring the gravity of the situation. The desire to leave, to escape the confines of the castle, consumed me entirely. The castle, once a symbol of safety, now felt like a prison, echoing with the silence of loneliness. The guards finally released their hold on me, causing my body to collapse in front of Impa. Tears continued to flow unabated, the physical and emotional toll of my pleas evident in the pool of vulnerability at her feet.

In the dimly lit corridor, the weight of my entreaty hung heavy. Without hesitation, I begged for freedom, my words a desperate melody echoing through the tense atmosphere. My voice, laden with a raw desperation, spilled from the depths of my heart, expressing a yearning to break free from the suffocating embrace of my royal duties. The expectations imposed upon me felt like chains, constraining the essence of who I truly was. Impulsively, I blamed Link's departure on the poor decision-making of those in control, who seemed to harbor an incessant desire for our separation. My words dissolved into desperate sobs, exhaustion settling in.

In that vulnerable moment, Lady Impa stood by without uttering a word, allowing me to release the torrent of emotions that had welled up inside me. After a while, she stepped towards me, her hand finding a place of comfort on my shoulder, what I believed to be a small act of kindness in the midst of my emotional turmoil. But surprisingly, she instead informed me that someone was waiting for me, brushing aside my previous pleas without any acknowledgement. I regarded her with pained disbelief as she motioned toward the hall, silently signaling me to move. Trying to hold back my tears, I looked down at my hands and drew a deep breath in. I couldn't help but question why I had ever deluded myself into thinking that I could find a sense of belonging in an environment where I was merely a symbol, a princess detached from the warmth of family bonds. Mustering my resolve, I finally wiped away any remaining tears and stood up.

Lady Impa eyed me briefly before taking the lead, guiding me to a part of the castle I had never seen before. As we continued our ascent through the towering castle, each flight of stairs taking us higher and deeper into its labyrinthine structure, my curiosity mingled with a trace of uncertainty. With each step, a subtle unease settled within, and a delicate shiver ran down my spine, a precursor to the foreboding that now enveloped me.

As I quickly dismissed the feeling, Impa finally stopped in front of very tall doors, her hands grabbing the handles firmly. She stood there for a moment before sighing and looking at me, her expression soft.

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