Every Single Time

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Every Single Time

I just want to be loved the way that I love others.

That's all.

Is that too much to ask for?

I guess it is.

I just want to be loved gently the way that I love others.

I want to be understood.

I want to be loved with patience.

I want people to be gentle with my heart and my feelings as well as I am with theirs.

I don't think people have the same heart as me, neither do I treat them that way.

But I just hoped that people could have the same respect for me that I do for them.

I hoped people could love me the same way that I love them.

But they're not me.

And that's what hurts.

They don't have a heart like mine.

They don't have a love like mine.

And coming to this realization hurts me all over again every single time. -J.S.

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