Chapter 4: Oni Problems

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(Nya POV)

What I saw was shocking, to say the least. Upon entering his room, I saw Lloyd in his golden oni form, with his eyes a mix between purple and pink. He looked at me and seemed....scared? Why would Lloyd be scared of me? "Lloyd," I said, unsure of how to continue. "Go away," he told me. "Lloyd, I'm here to help you." I told him, trying to keep him calm. "No! Don't you see," he said gesturing towards himself. "I'm a monster." Those words broke my heart. "No Lloyd." I said "You listen here, you are not a monster." "But-" he started "No buts. You're not a monster, end of story." I said, cutting him off. "You may look different, but that doesn't make you a monster." I told him "You aren't evil. You are good and kind. The only way that you would be a monster is if you were evil, and you aren't. Okay?" "Okay." he said, unsure. 

"Now, can you try and change back?" I asked him. "That's what I've been trying to do for the past three hours now!" he said, getting angry again. "Lloyd, I think it would help if you would calm down." I said to him. He looked down, seeming ashamed of himself. "You're right, I'm sorry Nya." He said, apologizing. "It's okay Lloyd." I said as I shut the door and sat down on the bed with him. "Now, what is it that made you upset Lloyd?" "When Wildfire yelled," He told me as he started to cry. "I know it's not usually something that I get worked up over, I just thought that if I told them, they would think that I was a monster."

I felt sad for Lloyd. His biggest fear is becoming like his father, and I know he would never, but sometimes he just thinks of the worst possible things that could happen. "Okay Lloyd. Can you try taking some deep breaths for me?" I asked him as I wiped away his tears. He started taking deep breaths and I could already tell that he was starting to feel better. His face lightened up and his face looked calmer. Then, he started changing back into his normal self. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Better?" I asked him, wanting to make sure that he was okay. "Yeah, thanks Nya." he told me. "Anytime Lloyd. But next time that happens, please text or call one of us so that we can help you. Okay?" I said. "Alright Nya." "Why don't you come upstairs for dinner." I said to him. He looked surprised. "Is it that time already?!" he exclaimed, panicking. "Chill, don't worry. We'll just tell everyone that you weren't feeling well." I said, reassuring him. "If you say so." he said, yet again unsure.

(Lloyd's POV)

We left my room and went upstairs into the dining room. I felt reassured by what Nya had said, but I just didn't know if anyone would buy it. When we walked in, Kai looked up from his phone and asked, "Where were you at little buddy?" I opened my mouth to answer, but Nya answered for me. "He wasn't feeling well." she said to her older brother with a wink, which was usually the code sign that something had happened with my oni form and/or powers.

Nya walked  me over to one of the chairs and sat me down in it. She sat down right next to me. "Who's cooking tonight?" I asked. "Zane is." Sora answered. It was awkwardly quiet, so I decided to break the silence. "So, how's your head feeling Sora?" I asked her, wanting to make sure that she was still alright from getting hit by that spinning punching bag. 

"It's feeling much better Lloyd." Sora said, answering my question. Just then, Zane came out carrying Violet Berry Soup. I couldn't wait to eat it, it was my favorite, after all. "I figured since you weren't feeling well Lloyd, I would make your favorite meal." Zane said to me. I really appreciated Zane's act of kindness. "Thanks Zane. You're food is always the best!" I said excited to eat the delicious food.


Look, I know it was kind of short, but this time, I didn't end on a cliffhanger! Yay! Next chapter will be about the kids. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Word Count: 723

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