1-13:Best Friends!

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Masaru walks down the street he sees Peter with his aunt may and uncle Ben. "Hey Pete!" Masaru shouts rushing over.

"Mas!" Peter shouts

The two fist bump smiling, aunt may and uncle Ben turn to Masaru "Ah this is the famous Masaru I've heard so much about?" Aunt May asks

"Yeah Mas this is my Uncle Ben and My Aunt may." Peter says

"Nice to meet you two." Masaru says smiling and shaking their hands.

"Firm grip there." Uncle Ben says

"Thanks." Masaru says

"Would you like to join us for dinner?" Aunt May asks

"Well my mom did want me to go to the arcade and back but...Fuck it lets go." Masaru says

Peter, Ben, May and Masaru walk to their home Masaru holding the bulk of the groceries. "Your quite strong Masaru." Aunt May says

"I...work out." Masaru says

"Well it's nice that my nephew has a strong friend he's always being bullied by that Thompson child." May says

Masaru turns to Peter who looks away. "Thompson?" Masaru asks

"Yes last time he came home he had a black eye!" May says chopping a carrot.

"Really...You know where he lives?" Masaru asks

"Mas I'm gonna handle this without hurting him." Peter says

"Bull." Masaru says

The next day the two kids are at the park.

"Hey Masaru, let's go play on the swings!" Peter shouted.

Masaru nodded his head and replied, "Sure thing, let's race to see who can get there first!"

The two boys ran towards the swings, but Masaru was faster and reached them first. "I win!" he exclaimed.

Peter laughed and said, "You got lucky this time, but let's see who can swing the highest!"

They both started swinging back and forth, trying to go higher and higher. Masaru was the first to get really high, but then Peter caught up. "This is so much fun!" Peter shouted.

After a while, they got tired of swinging and decided to play on the jungle gym. "Let's see who can climb to the top the fastest!" Masaru suggested.

Peter agreed, and they both started climbing. Masaru was a bit faster, but Peter was more agile. They both made it to the top, and Masaru said, "Wow, this is really high up!"

Peter replied, "Yeah, but the view is amazing!"

After they had finished playing on the jungle gym, they sat down on a bench to catch their breath. "What do you want to do next?" Peter asked.

Masaru thought for a moment and said, "Let's go explore the rest of the park! I heard there's a pond with ducks over there."

"Sounds like a plan!" Peter said, excitedly.

They got up and started walking towards the pond. Along the way, they saw some kids playing soccer and decided to join in. "I'm not very good at soccer," Masaru admitted.

"That's okay, neither am I!" Peter said, laughing.

They played for a while, and even though they weren't very good, they had a lot of fun. Eventually, they made it to the pond, and sure enough, there were ducks swimming around.

"Look at all the ducks!" Masaru exclaimed.

Peter said, "Let's see if we can get close to them without scaring them away."

They slowly approached the pond, trying not to make any noise. The ducks didn't seem to mind, and they were able to get really close. "This is so cool!" Peter whispered.

After spending some time watching the ducks, they decided it was time to head home. "Thanks for hanging out with me today," Peter said.

"Thanks for inviting me! We should do this again sometime," Masaru replied.

They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, but they both felt happy and energized from spending the day outside and playing together.

As Masaru walked home, he thought about all the fun they had and how much he enjoyed spending time with Peter. He decided to text him and say, "Hey, that was a really fun day! We should hang out again soon."

Peter replied, "Definitely! Maybe we can go to the pool next time?"

Masaru replied, "That sounds like a great idea! I'll talk to my parents and see if we can make it happen."

They continued chatting for a bit, sharing their favorite parts of the day and making plans for their next adventure. Masaru felt grateful for his new friend and the memories they were making together.

When he got home, he told his parents all about his day at the park with Peter. They were happy to hear that he had a good time and encouraged him to keep making new friends and exploring the world around him.

As the sun set and the day came to a close, Masaru felt content and fulfilled. He knew that he had a lot to look forward to and that there were many more adventures waiting for him in the future. For now, he was just happy to have spent a beautiful day outside with a good friend.

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