2-6: Shit Happens

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In deep space, Nova (Sam Alexander) tries in vain to warn Terrax of an incoming threat: the Phoenix Force but failed. However, it consumes his planet.

The Phoenix Is After The Most Potentially Powerful Being On The Planet...Masaru.

In New York, the Avengers have assembled for a meeting. An object crashes into the city, sending Earth's Mightiest Heroes into action.

After dealing with the damage from the impact, they discover that the object was in fact Nova, who cryptically whispers "It's Coming" before fainting.

Captain America and Iron Man meet with the president, informing him of the situation. Nova's warning led them to discovering that the Phoenix Force was headed on a destructive path towards Earth.

A team of Avengers are dispatched to destroy or otherwise divert the Phoenix from its path: a suicide mission.

Masaru sits down while meditating as he opens his eyes theyre green and his hair flickers yellow.

Suddenly, an alarm warns them of a flare on Earth. Unbeknownst to them, it is Masaru. The Xavier School is also alerted, Beast having set similar alarms.

Consulting Wolverine, Captain America learns of Masaru's Location and secure his support. The X-Men run into the psychic room and Masaru pretends to be a vegetable.

"What was that flare?" Cyclops asks Masaru.

Masaru slowly looks up, "I-I-Uhh...I-ComeKiss." Masaru stammers

"What was that flare Masaru!" Cyclops shouts

"Come Kiss My Ass..." Masaru says

Cyclops punches Masaru but hurts his own hand in response, "OW!!!! Shit..." Cyclops says

"Please...let...me go...I'm...I'm sorry...I'll do...I'll do better p-please..." Masaru says weakly.

"Sorry Mas, it's for the sake of earth." Cyclops says

Just then BOOM BOOM BOOOM!!!!

The Mansion Is Partly Destroyed/Burned By The Quinjets New Weapons. And Outcomes The Avengers who land and look up.

The X-Men and Brotherhood Outcome.

"Scott this isn't about Masaru anymore." Captain Marvel says. They all look at the fucked up mansion as a piece of rubble falls to the ground, "Ok it's partly about Masaru."

"What else is it about?" Cyclops asks

"The Phoenix Force, it's coming." America says

"The Phoenix Force? It might be after Masaru." Scott says

The Team having dealt with the Phoenix force before begin to have second thoughts. Magneto nods to Emma Frost, she gets in the middle of the x-men and releases a psychic wave.

"LIES!!!!!" Cyclops shouts blasting the super soldier backwards, "Trying to manipulate us with our greatest enemy!!"

"We're not trying to manipulate you!!" Nova shouts landing, "I was in space when it happened the Phoenix is closing in on the planet we need to stop it and we need Masaru to do it!"

"Wait you never said that nova." Thor says

"I left it out...Masaru, Scarlet Witch and Jean are the only ones with sufficient enough power to get rid of the Phoenix for good." Nova says

Emma does the same trick making their change of heart turn into rage, "We're not stupid we're never gonna fall for that!!!" Cyclops shouts

"I am bub...she's messing with your minds!" Wolverine says siding with the avengers.

"YOU'LL NEVER CONVINCE US!!!!!" Cyclops shouts

"We're done trying then!!!!" Captain Marvel shouts

The Battle Then Begins...

The Battle Then Begins

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