3-3: Kiss Help

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"First, keep your lips soft and slightly opened, in a gently inviting and receptive way. Don't press them together tightly, but also avoid opening them too wide. Drooling and too much saliva is almost always a turn-off for men and women. On the other hand, some women and men like steamy, sloppy, wet kissing and sometimes I'm one of them heh" Gwen says

Masaru nods.

"Your...lips already look pretty soft...s-sorry if that's weird" she says

"It's not keep going" masaru says

"Ok Pay attention to body language.
Gradually increase the intensity.
Make eye contact between, or even during, kisses.
Take a break from their lips.
If you're going to bite, be gentle.
Lean In Pucker your lips and kiss" she says

Masaru breathes in and out and gulps he leans into Gwen, Who's more then inviting.

He for the first time kissed her their heads and lips moving in sync. The two of them didn't bother coming up for a break or for air, He leans out from her.

"A little longer would be better" Gwen says as he leaned in and kissed her longer.

Oh shit things getting steamy as Gwen pushed him onto his back still kissing him. She while ontop of him continues to kiss him guiding her arm under his shirt.

Carol Danvers walks in, "Hey Guys Piz- OH GOD!!" Carol shouts

The two break away from each other, "MOM WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Masaru shouts.

"I SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED, SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED CAROL!!!" Captain Marvel shouts leaving.

Masaru and Gwen sit next to each other in awkward silence for like 5 seconds.

"Uhh sorry about...my mom..." he says

"Yeah no problem I'm sure spider-girl will love you." Gwen says

He hugs Gwen and then leaves, she smiles after Masaru and then suits up. Masaru sits down on a skyscraper, he falls asleep.

"Already tired?" A voice asks startling Masaru awake he looks down and spider-girl is close as hell to his crotch area, "I just got here."

She flips onto the roof and Masaru stands up, the two stand infront of each other.

"So...Spider-Girl I was wondering..." he starts.

"Yes." She says surprising Masaru.

"I didn't even." Masaru says

"Sorry...go ahead." She says

"Do you like me?" He asks

"Yes...A lot...like a lot..." she says

He smiles.

"Before we keep going I have to show you something." Spider-Girl says

"Ok" he says

She takes off her mask revealing her to be Gwen.

"Is that it?" Masaru asks

"Wh-Wait you knew?!" she shouts

"No fucking shit I knew the minute you spoke to me!!" Masaru shouts

"YOU SON OF A-" She starts

"Woah hey kids read these stories tone It down." Masaru says

She drops her head, Masaru looks down and then he looks at the sun which is beginning to set. He takes Gwen's hand and she looks up as a smile covers his face.

A smile does the same for her the two sit down watching the sun set as Masaru and Gwen kiss sparking their relationship for seasons to come..............ish...

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