chapter 1

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Tanjiro's POV
I was walking up the mountain so I could go home and as I was walking up this random man decided to stop me

"Hey kid,stay at my house for the night cause there can be some demons up there""But,I need to get home because my family is waiting for me and I promise my siblings I was gonna be there""kid it's just for a night,plus a demon can kill you""you are right.."" fine I'm gonna stay plus I told my family I was gonna come safe home ,and if they see me all covered up in blood there gonna be frighten".

"Okay I'm gonna prepare some dinner for you cause you might be hungry""Thank you sir""hey kid what's your name?""oh um my name is Tanjiro,Tanjiro Kamado and what's ur name sir""my name is Saburo"

As I was eating he decided to ask me a question that I least expect"so Tanjiro can I ask you a question?""um sure...""so do you ever wonder what might happen to your family tonight""Yes for some reason I feel like if a demon is gonna eat my family"After I answered his question I smelled blood but I decided to ignore it

Nobody's Pov:
"Thank you for letting me stay last night
Saburo""Your welcome Tanjiro Kamado"
As Tanjiro was walking up he saw something he leased expect.He saw blood on the snow and he was frighten for what he saw. As Tanjiro was opening his door he saw his mom dead on the floor same with his siblings.Tanjiro quickly went to check on his little sister nezuko same thing he saw nezuko dead on the floor.

Tanjiro pov:
As I saw my family dead on the floor covered in blood I remembered about the question the man asked me lasted night

Flash back:
"so do you ever wonder what might happen to your family tonight""Yes for some reason I feel like if a demon is gonna eat my family""After I answered his question I smelled blood but I decided to ignore it

End of flash back
Still Tanjiro's pov
As I stood I wondered who did this .I decided not to cry because I felt someone watching me from a distance,but I could not smell anyone.

Nobody's POV
As Tanjiro decided to go find the person watching him from the forest he heard someone running. As he decided to follow the scent he got, but then he lost track until he saw someone standing,

Tanjiro pov
I started to follow the scent I got, until I could not smell it anymore.then as I looked around I saw a shadow and I couldn't tell who it was or what it was."who are you?why are you just standing there?""I screamed."I am a hashira" the person said.

Sorry if it was a short chapter it is my first time writing and sorry if I spelled some words wrong but I am working on chapter 2😁

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