Final Chapter Pt.2

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[During the 'Deadliest Battle']

"TANJIRO!" Inosuke screamed as Tanjiro got attacked by Muzan "Don't worry about me! Worry about yourself!" Tanjiro says as he tries to keep up with Muzan's pace "All of the Hashiras are wounded, plus we've already lost Shinobu, and Gyomei" Tanjiro thought as he dodged Muzan's attack "I also have no clue where Giyu-san is but as long as he's okay, I'll still keep on fighting-" "Tanjiro snap out of your thoughts!" Mitsuri screams as she pushes Tanjiro away before he gets hit by one of Muzan's attacks "I know you are worried about Giyu but right now it's not the time! We have to keep on f-fighting no matter what!" Mitsuri says as she tries to keep up with Muzan's pace, but her body has gotten weaker due to her wounds

"We need some backup!!" Sanemi yells as he notices the Obanai has gotten weaker, some Demon Slayers carry Obanai out of the battle field before he could get hit "Take him to a safer area!" Sanemi yells "Ugh! This is too much for us especially the weaker ones!" Sanemi thought as he was dodging Muzan's tendrils

(I'm bad at writing fighting scenes so I'll end it here but the chapter isn't done, I also haven't read any of the final battle so yeah but i do know who dies)

[After the battle]

"Tanjiro!" Zenitsu says as he runs to Tanjiro's unconscious body "Tanjiro! Giyu was able to turn into a human!" Zenitsu says he notices that nobody is around them and he decides to carry Tanjiro's body to where the others are.

[When Zenitsu arrives]

"Guys! I found Tanjiro!" Zenitsu says as he walks to the others while carrying Tanjiro on his back "Thank goodness! Is he okay?!" Nezuko asks "He's unconscious" Zenitsu mumbles "C'mon let's take him to the medical team" Nezuko says as she points to where the medical people are "Okay" Zenitsu nods and walks towards the medical team "Hey i need help" Zenitsu says "Lay him over there" One of the members say, Zenitsu lays Tanjiro down on the ground "Why would you bring someone who's already dead?" One of the members mumbled, Zenitsu is confused "Pardon?" The person looks up at Zenitsu "This Slayer has fallen" Zenitsu is shocked "W-what do you mean?! TANJIRO IS NOT DEAD!" Zenitsu says as tears fall from his eyes "I'm sorry but he has fallen" The person says it, Inosuke limps over to Zenitsu "What happened to Tanjiro?! Is he alive?!" Zenitsu can hear the anxiousness in Inosuke's voice, Zenitsu slowly nods "N-no that's impossible! Tanjiro is alive!" Inosuke yells but Zenitsu speaks while looking down "I'm sorry I-Inosuke but it's real...*sobs*... Tanjiro has f-fallen" Inosuke realizes that Zenitsu is crying "How are we g-going to tell Giyu..." Inosuke says as he tries to hold back his tears "I'll cover his body now" The member says as they grab a blanket (I don't know what they use to cover dead bodies 🌝)

Giyu is anxiously looking for Tanjiro while Genya is comforting Muichiro "Hey Genya...have you seen Tanjiro?" Giyu asks, Genya looks up at Giyu "Sorry...I haven't" Genya says as he caresses Muichiro's head "What happened to Muichiro?" Giyu asks "Well he got traumatized due to seeing Gyomei get sliced up"(I don't know what I'm saying or doing 🌝) "Well that's um..." Giyu then spots Nezuko and runs up to her "Nezuko!" Nezuko turns around and spots Giyu, Giyu notices that Nezuko is crying "Please tell me...Tanjiro is okay..."Giyu says anxiously "I-i..." Nezuko's voice is shaking and she can't speak, Nezuko then looks down "Don't tell me... Don't tell me he has fallen!" Giyu yells, Nezuko nods her head, Giyu stops walking "N-no..." Nezuko walks towards Giyu and wipes her eye "You...can still see him" "Where is he!?" Giyu says, Nezuko then points to where Tanjiro is...





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