chapter 22 (Birth)

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[Tanjiro was in the medical room since he was going to give birth in a couple of hours]

Tanjiro's POV
Damn my stomach hurts really bad,Is this what my mother felt when she gave birth to me and my siblings? If so that's just painful."Tanjiro are you okay?"Nezuko said"Oh...Hey Nezuko I'm okay..."I said my voice sounded tired"Are you ready to give birth?"Nezuko asked me"Not really..."I said"Tanjiro I know it's going to hurt but you have to stay strong...wait what's the gender?" Nezuko asks me "Boy"I said "OMG REALLY!!"Nezuko says excitingly "Yeah" I said Damn I'm so exhausted i just want to sleep"Where's Giyu-san?"I asked "He's waiting out of the room."Nezuko said"Is he panicking?"I asked "Yes he is..."Nezuko says while signing "Tell him to come in"I said not wanting Giyu-san to overthink.

[After some minutes past Giyu enters the room and quickly walks towards Tanjiro and holds his hand]

I noticed that Giyu-san is acting more like a human which is good because he can probably be like Nezuko"Are you okay Love!?"Giyu-san said, I could tell he was worried"Yeah I'm okay don't worry"I said as I tried to not sound exhausted "Okay..."Giyu-san kisses my forehead and then strokes my hair, his hand is so soft."Were you worried about me?"I asked such stupid questions when I already know the answers "I was, who wouldn't be worried about their Lover..."Giyu-san says as he sits down beside me.

[A couple of hours pass and it's now the time where Tanjiro is giving birth,Giyu left the room and sat down on the floor and waited so that he could go back inside]


Nobody's POV
Tanjiro was getting anxious about giving birth until it was time"Are you ready, Tanjiro?" Shinobu asks Tanjiro"Yes..."Tanjiro said he could feel his sweat running down his face
"Okay."Shinobu replied.

As Tanjiro was giving birth Giyu could only hear Tanjiro's screams,He couldn't handle hearing his Lover screaming in pain.

Giyu's POV
I can't handle Tanjiro's screams,it breaks my heart hearing my Love scream in pain."It's going to be okay."I heard Shinobu's voice.Did Tanjiro finish giving birth?Should I check or do I wait until Shinobu tells me I can go in?"Giyu you can go in..."Shinobu said as sge opened the door and saw me sitting on the floor."Okay"I said as i stood up and went inside the room,the good thing Shinobu left us alone because her ugly ass would distract my moment with MY LOVER."Tanjiro are you okay?"I asked as I walked closer to him and saw our baby"Isn't he cute..."Tanjiro said as he smiled when he saw me "He looks like you...but has um..."I noticed that he had my eye color "He has your eye color isn't that cute?"Tanjiro said while admiring our child "His name will be koa"Tanjiro said"What does that mean?"I asked"It means a strong warrior its an Australian name"Tanjiro said."That a really cute name"Giyu said comforting his Lover"Thank you Giyu-san..."Tanjiro said as he closes his eyes.


Tanjiro was sleeping but woke up to Koa crying(Tanjiro is still in the Medical room)"Hmm"Tanjiro slowly opens his eyes and turns to head and spots Giyu holding Koa.Tanjiro smiles and then turns his head to face the window and he sees a bit of sunlight since the curtain is closed."Tanjiro are you awake?"Giyu said as he walked towards Tanjiro"Yeah I'm awake "Tanjiro said as he turned his head to face Giyu "Did you sleep Giyu-san?"Tanjiro asked Giyu "Not much"Giyu said "Did you sleep well?"Giyu said as he stroked Tanjiro's hair with one hand while holding the baby on his other arm"Yeah I did"Tanjiro says as he smiles.

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